% LIQ_PSD_ABEL12 returns PSD for rain % % This function follows Abel and Boutle 2012 % "An improved representation of the raindrop % size distribution for single-moment microphysics % schemes" % Given rain water water content a PSD is returned. % The PSD follows an exponential distribution. % % FORMAT psd = liq_psd_abel12(de, rwc) % % OUT psd Particle size distribution % IN de Size grid, in De % rwc Rain water content % % 2017-10-09 Bengt Rydberg function psd = liq_psd_abel12(de, rwc) % x1 and x2 relates N0 to lambda, i.e N0 = x1*lambda^x2 x1 = 0.22; x2 = 2.20; c1 = constants('DENSITY_OF_WATER') * pi / 6; lambda = (c1 / rwc * x1 * gamma(4)).^(1 / (4 - x2)); N0 = x1 * lambda^x2; psd = mgd_psd( de, N0, 0, lambda, 1 );