function [vc,hex] = list_colors(varargin) % % list_colors % Purpose: % From a cell of string arguments create a cell of rgb vectors for the % corresponding colors from the following table. Can also pass rogue rgb % vectors amongst color markers. e.g % strcolors = {'r',[.1 .1 .1],'k','b'} % % Indata: 1) Either requested number of colors is given: list_colors('Ncolors',n) % % 2) Or the colors are given in short string arguments. e.g % list_colors('Colors',{'r','b'}), but the colors most be in the % colors list. see bellow for available colors % % % % Available colors (add more?) % LONGNAME | shortname | vector % | | % black | 'k' | [0,0,0] % green | 'g' | [0,1,0] % red | 'r' | [1,0,0] % blue | 'b' | [0,0,1] % cyan | 'c' | [0,1,1] % magenta | 'm' | [1,0,1] % yellow | 'y' | [1,1,0] % white | 'w' | [1,1,1] % grey | 'gr' | [.5 .5 .5] % purple | 'p' | [.8 0 1] % orange | 'o' | [1 .7 0] % caucasian | 'ca' | [1 .5 .5] % pink | 'pi' | [1 .5 1] % % default loop of colors: colors={'k','g','r','b','c','m','y','gr','p','o','ca','pi'}; % % $Id$ % 18/11,2009 Salomon Eliasson assert(ischar(varargin{1}),'First argument must be either "Ncolors" or "Colors"') assert((strcmpi(varargin{1},'Ncolors')&isscalar(varargin{2})) |... (strcmpi(varargin{1},'Colors')&iscell(varargin{2})),... ['If "Ncolors" provide a scalar second argument. '... 'If "Colors" provide a cell as the second argument']) assert(nargin>0,['Salomons:' mfilename ':badInput'],'Input error') colors={'k','g','r','b','c','m','y','gr','p','o','caucasian 1','pi'}; %% LOAD CUSTOM OPTIONS: for iopt = 1 : 2 : nargin optname = varargin{iopt}; optvalue = varargin{iopt+1}; switch lower(optname) case 'colors' strcolors=optvalue; case 'ncolors' k=1; strcolors=cell(optvalue,1); for ii=1:optvalue strcolors{ii}=colors{k}; k=k+1; if k==length(colors),k=1;end end end end vc=cell(length(strcolors),1);hex=cell(length(strcolors),1); for i=1:length(strcolors) % Create vectors of colors if isnumeric(strcolors{i}) vc{i}=strcolors{i}; elseif ischar(strcolors{i}) switch lower(strcolors{i}) % from %% white pastels case 'snow', vc{i}=[255,250,250]; hex{i} = 'fffafa'; case 'snow 2', vc{i}=[238,233,233]; hex{i} = 'eee9e9'; case 'snow 3', vc{i}=[205,201,201]; hex{i} = 'cdc9c9'; case 'snow 4', vc{i}=[139,137,137]; hex{i} = '8b8989'; case 'ghost white', vc{i}=[248,248,255]; hex{i} = 'f8f8ff'; case 'white smoke', vc{i}=[245,245,245]; hex{i} = 'f5f5f5'; case 'gainsboro', vc{i}=[220,220,220]; hex{i} = 'dccdc'; case 'floral white', vc{i}=[255,250,240]; hex{i} = 'fffaf0'; case 'old lace', vc{i}=[253,245,230]; hex{i} = 'fdf5e6'; case 'linen', vc{i}=[240,240,230]; hex{i} = 'faf0e6'; case 'antique white', vc{i}=[250,235,215]; hex{i} = 'faebd7'; case 'antique white 2', vc{i}=[238,223,204]; hex{i} = 'eedfcc'; case 'antique white 3', vc{i}=[205,192,176]; hex{i} = 'cdc0b0'; case 'antique white 4', vc{i}=[139,131,120]; hex{i} = '8b8378'; case 'papaya whip', vc{i}=[255,239,213]; hex{i} = 'ffefd5'; case 'blanched almond', vc{i}=[255,235,205]; hex{i} = 'ffebcd'; case 'bisque', vc{i}=[255,228,196]; hex{i} = 'ffe4c4'; case 'bisque 2', vc{i}=[238,213,183]; hex{i} = 'eed5b7'; case 'bisque 3', vc{i}=[205,183,158]; hex{i} = 'cdb79e'; case 'bisque 4', vc{i}=[139,125,107]; hex{i} = '8b7d6b'; case 'peach puff', vc{i}=[255,218,185]; hex{i} = 'ffdab9'; case 'peach puff 2', vc{i}=[238,203,173]; hex{i} = 'eecbad'; case 'peach puff 3', vc{i}=[205,175,149]; hex{i} = 'cdaf95'; case 'peach puff 4', vc{i}=[139,119,101]; hex{i} = '8b7765'; case 'navajo white', vc{i}=[255,222,173]; hex{i} = 'ffdead'; case 'moccasin', vc{i}=[255,228,181]; hex{i} = 'ffe4b5'; case 'cornsilk', vc{i}=[255,248,220]; hex{i} = 'fff8dc'; case 'cornsilk 2', vc{i}=[238,232,205]; hex{i} = 'eee8dc'; case 'cornsilk 3', vc{i}=[205,200,177]; hex{i} = 'cdc8b1'; case 'cornsilk 4', vc{i}=[139,136,120]; hex{i} = '8b8878'; case 'ivory', vc{i}=[255,255,240]; hex{i} = 'fffff0'; case 'ivory 2', vc{i}=[238,238,224]; hex{i} = 'eeeee0'; case 'ivory 3', vc{i}=[205,205,193]; hex{i} = 'cdcdc1'; case 'ivory 4', vc{i}=[139,139,131]; hex{i} = '8b8b83'; case 'lemon chiffon', vc{i}=[255,250,205]; hex{i} = 'fffacd'; case 'seashell', vc{i}=[255,245,238]; hex{i} = 'fff5ee'; case 'seashell 2', vc{i}=[238,229,222]; hex{i} = 'eee5de'; case 'seashell 3', vc{i}=[205,197,191]; hex{i} = 'cdc5bf'; case 'seashell 4', vc{i}=[139,134,130]; hex{i} = '8b8682'; case 'honeydew', vc{i}=[240,255,240]; hex{i} = 'f0fff0'; case 'honeydew 2', vc{i}=[244,238,224]; hex{i} = 'e0eee0'; case 'honeydew 3', vc{i}=[193,205,193]; hex{i} = 'c1cdc1'; case 'honeydew 4', vc{i}=[131,139,131]; hex{i} = '838b83'; case 'mint cream', vc{i}=[245,255,250]; hex{i} = 'f5fffa'; case 'azure', vc{i}=[240,255,255]; hex{i} = 'f0ffff'; case 'alice blue', vc{i}=[240,248,255]; hex{i} = 'f0f8ff'; case 'lavender', vc{i}=[230,230,250]; hex{i} = 'e6e6fa'; case 'lavender blush', vc{i}=[255,240,245]; hex{i} = 'fff0f5'; case 'misty rose', vc{i}=[255,228,225]; hex{i} = 'ffe4e1'; case {'w','white'}, vc{i}=[255,255,255]; hex{i} = 'ffffff'; %% grays case {'k','black'}, vc{i}=[0,0,0]; hex{i} = '000000'; case 'dark slate gray', vc{i}=[49,79,79]; hex{i} = '2f4f4f'; case 'dim gray', vc{i}=[105,105,105]; hex{i} = '696969'; case 'slate gray', vc{i}=[112,138,144]; hex{i} = '708090'; case 'light slate gray', vc{i}=[119,136,153]; hex{i} = '778899'; case {'gr','gray','grey'}, vc{i}=[190,190,190]; hex{i} = 'bebebe'; case 'light gray', vc{i}=[211,211,211]; hex{i} = 'd3d3d3'; %% blues case 'midnight blue', vc{i}=[25,25,112]; hex{i} = '191970'; case 'navy', vc{i}=[0,0,128]; hex{i} = '000080'; case 'cornflower blue', vc{i}=[100,149,237]; hex{i} = '6495ed'; case 'dark slate blue', vc{i}=[72,61,139]; hex{i} = '483d8b'; case 'slate blue', vc{i}=[106,90,205]; hex{i} = '6a5acd'; case 'medium slate blue', vc{i}=[123,104,238]; hex{i} = '7b68ee'; case 'light slate blue', vc{i}=[132,112,255]; hex{i} = '8470ff'; case 'medium blue', vc{i}=[0,0,205]; hex{i} = '0000cd'; case 'royal blue', vc{i}=[65,105,225]; hex{i} = '4169e1'; case {'blue','b'}, vc{i}=[0,0,255]; hex{i} = '0000ff'; case 'dodger blue', vc{i}=[30,144,255]; hex{i} = '1e90ff'; case 'deep sky blue', vc{i}=[0,191,255]; hex{i} = '00bfff'; case 'sky blue', vc{i}=[135,206,250]; hex{i} = '87ceeb'; case 'light sky blue', vc{i}=[135,206,250]; hex{i} = '87cefa'; case 'steel blue', vc{i}=[70,130,180]; hex{i} = '4682b4'; case 'light steel blue', vc{i}=[176,196,222]; hex{i} = 'b0c4de'; case 'light blue', vc{i}=[173,216,230]; hex{i} = 'add8e6'; case 'powder blue', vc{i}=[176,224,230]; hex{i} = 'b0e0e6'; case 'pale turquoise', vc{i}=[175,238,238]; hex{i} = 'afeeee'; case 'dark turquoise', vc{i}=[0,206,209]; hex{i} = '00ced1'; case 'medium turquoise', vc{i}=[72,209,204]; hex{i} = '48d1cc'; case 'turquoise', vc{i}=[64,224,208]; hex{i} = '40e0d0'; case {'c','cyan'}, vc{i}=[0,255,255]; hex{i} = '00ffff'; case 'light cyan', vc{i}=[224,255,255]; hex{i} = 'e0ffff'; case 'cadet blue', vc{i}=[95,158,160]; hex{i} = '5f9ea0'; %% greens case {'g','green'}, vc{i}=[0 255 0];hex{i}='00ff00'; case 'medium aquamarine', vc{i}=[102,205,170]; hex{i} = '66cdaa'; case 'aquamarine', vc{i}=[127,255,212]; hex{i} = '7fffd4'; case 'dark green', vc{i}=[0,100,0]; hex{i} = '006400'; case 'dark olive green', vc{i}=[85,107,47]; hex{i} = '556b2f'; case 'dark sea green', vc{i}=[143,188,143]; hex{i} = '8fbc8f'; case 'sea green', vc{i}=[46,139,87]; hex{i} = '2e8b57'; case 'medium sea green', vc{i}=[60,179,113]; hex{i} = '3cb371'; case 'light sea green', vc{i}=[32,178,170]; hex{i} = '20b2aa'; case 'pale green', vc{i}=[152,251,152]; hex{i} = '98fb98'; case 'spring green', vc{i}=[0,255,127]; hex{i} = '00ff7f'; case 'lawn green', vc{i}=[124,252,0]; hex{i} = '7cfc00'; case 'chartreuse', vc{i}=[127,255,0]; hex{i} = '7fff00'; case 'medium spring green', vc{i}=[0,250,154]; hex{i} = '00fa9a'; case 'green yellow', vc{i}=[173,255,47]; hex{i} = 'adff2f'; case 'lime green', vc{i}=[50,205,50]; hex{i} = '32cd32'; case 'yellow green', vc{i}=[154,205,50]; hex{i} = '9acd32'; case 'forest green', vc{i}=[34,139,34]; hex{i} = '228b22'; case 'olive drab', vc{i}=[107,142,35]; hex{i} = '6b8e23'; case 'dark khaki', vc{i}=[189,183,107]; hex{i} = 'bdb76b'; case 'khaki', vc{i}=[240,230,140]; hex{i} = 'f0e68c'; %% yellow case 'pale goldenrod', vc{i}=[238,232,170]; hex{i} = 'eee8aa'; case 'light goldenrod yellow', vc{i}=[250,250,210]; hex{i} = 'fafad2'; case 'light yellow', vc{i}=[255,255,224]; hex{i} = 'ffffe0'; case {'y','yellow'}, vc{i}=[255,255,0]; hex{i} = 'ffff00'; case 'gold', vc{i}=[255,215,0]; hex{i} = 'ffd700'; case 'light goldenrod', vc{i}=[238,221,130]; hex{i} = 'eedd82'; case 'goldenrod', vc{i}=[218,165,32]; hex{i} = 'daa520'; case 'dark goldenrod', vc{i}=[184,134,11]; hex{i} = 'b8860b'; %% browns case 'rosy brown', vc{i}=[188,143,143]; hex{i} = 'bc8f8f'; case 'indian red', vc{i}=[205,92,92]; hex{i} = 'cd5c5c'; case 'saddle brown', vc{i}=[139,69,19]; hex{i} = '8b4513'; case 'sienna', vc{i}=[160,82,45]; hex{i} = 'a0522d'; case 'peru', vc{i}=[205,133,63]; hex{i} = 'cd853f'; case 'burlywood', vc{i}=[222,184,135]; hex{i} = 'deb887'; case 'beige', vc{i}=[245,245,220]; hex{i} = 'f5f5dc'; case 'wheat', vc{i}=[245,222,179]; hex{i} = 'f5deb3'; case 'sandy brown', vc{i}=[244,164,96]; hex{i} = 'f4a460'; case 'tan', vc{i}=[210,180,140]; hex{i} = 'd2b48c'; case 'chocolate', vc{i}=[210,105,30]; hex{i} = 'd2691e'; case 'firebrick', vc{i}=[178,34,34]; hex{i} = 'b22222'; case 'brown', vc{i}=[165,42,42]; hex{i} = 'a52a2a'; %% oranges case 'dark salmon', vc{i}=[233,150,122]; hex{i} = 'e9967a'; case 'salmon', vc{i}=[250,128,114]; hex{i} = 'fa8072'; case 'light salmon', vc{i}=[255,160,122]; hex{i} = 'ffa07a'; case {'o','orange'}, vc{i}=[255,165,0]; hex{i} = 'ffa500'; case 'dark orange', vc{i}=[255,140,0]; hex{i} = 'ff8c00'; case 'coral', vc{i}=[255,127,80]; hex{i} = 'ff7f50'; case 'light coral', vc{i}=[240,128,128]; hex{i} = 'f08080'; case 'tomato', vc{i}=[255,99,71]; hex{i} = 'ff6347'; case 'orange red', vc{i}=[255,69,0]; hex{i} = 'ff4500'; case {'red','r'}, vc{i}=[255,0,0]; hex{i} = 'ff0000'; %% pinks/violets case 'caucasian 1',vc{i}=[255,224,189]; hex{i}='ffe0bd'; case 'caucasian 2',vc{i}=[255,205,148]; hex{i}='ffcd95'; case 'caucasian 3',vc{i}=[234,192,134]; hex{i}='eac086'; case 'caucasian 4',vc{i}=[255,173,96]; hex{i}='ffad60'; case 'caucasian 5',vc{i}=[255,227,159]; hex{i}='ffe39f'; case 'hot pink', vc{i}=[255,105,180]; hex{i} = 'ff69b4'; case 'deep pink', vc{i}=[255,20,147]; hex{i} = 'ff1493'; case {'pi','pink'}, vc{i}=[255,192,203]; hex{i} = 'ffc0cb'; case 'light pink', vc{i}=[255,182,193]; hex{i} = 'ffb6c1'; case 'pale violet red', vc{i}=[219,112,147]; hex{i} = 'db7093'; case 'maroon', vc{i}=[176,48,96]; hex{i} = 'b03060'; case 'medium violet red', vc{i}=[199,21,133]; hex{i} = 'c71585'; case 'violet red', vc{i}=[208,32,144]; hex{i} = 'd02090'; case 'violet', vc{i}=[238,130,238]; hex{i} = 'ee82ee'; case 'plum', vc{i}=[221,160,221]; hex{i} = 'dda0dd'; case 'orchid', vc{i}=[218,112,214]; hex{i} = 'da70d6'; case 'medium orchid', vc{i}=[186,85,211]; hex{i} = 'ba55d3'; case 'dark orchid', vc{i}=[153,50,204]; hex{i} = '9932cc'; case 'dark violet', vc{i}=[148,0,211]; hex{i} = '9400d3'; case 'blue violet', vc{i}=[138,43,226]; hex{i} = '8a2be2'; case {'p','purple'}, vc{i}=[160,32,240]; hex{i} = 'a020f0'; case 'medium purple', vc{i}=[147,112,219]; hex{i} = '9370db'; case {'m','magenta'}, vc{i}=[255 0 255]; hex{i} = 'ff00ff'; case 'thistle', vc{i}=[216,191,216]; hex{i} = 'd8bfd8'; otherwise error(['salomons:',mfilename,':badinput'],'color: %s not in list. add color to mfile?',strcolors{i}) end elseif iscell(strcolors{i}) error(['salomons' mfilename, ':badinput'],'color is in a double cell') else disp(strcolors{i}) error(['salomons' mfilename, ':badinput'],'wrong color:') end end % normalise colors to matlab default (0-1) vc = cellfun(@(x)(x/255),vc,'uniformoutput',0); end