% GUASSFILTER Gauss filtering of data series % % A simple gaussian filtering is performed. The filter is cut at +-4 % standard deviations. % % The data are assumed to be equidistant, but gaps in the data series are % allowed. Parts of the filter extending outside the data range are % neglected. The response is normalised for each point and if y equals % one everywhere, also yf will be one everywhere. % % FORMAT yf = gaussfilter(x,y,xw) % % OUT yf Filtered data. % IN x Data abscissa. % y Data values. Must be given as a column vector or a matrix. % xw Full width at half max (FWHM) of the filter. % 2006-04-05 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function yf = gaussfilter(x,y,xw) if size(y,1) ~= length(x) error('Size of *y* does not match size of *x*.'); end % if ~issorted(x) error('The vector *x* must be sorted.'); end %= Set-up output variable % yf = y; %= Make sure that *x* is a column vector % x = vec2col(x); %= Calculate "1 std dev" % si = fwhm2si( xw ); for i = 1:length(x) % Calculate distance and determine data points to consider d = abs( x - x(i) ); ind = find( d < si*4 ); % Calculate weights w = gauss( x(ind), si, x(i) ); % Filter yf(i,:) = sum(y(ind,:).*repmat(w,1,size(y,2))) / sum(w); end