function result = Mie_teta(m, x, tetadlim) % Computation of Mie Efficienicies and gi coefficients of Legendre % Polynomial decomposition for complex refractive-index ratio m=m'+im", % size parameters x=k0*a, scattered intensity with and without % diffraction peak. % tetadlim (deg): Optional value of integration limit % for beam and diffraction efficiencies (default 180°) % Output.etab: etab(180°), etab0(180°), etab(tetadlim) % Output.Q: Qext, Qsca, Qabs, Qb, Qd, Qdlim, asy % and Output.g0i Legendre Coefficients % C. Mätzler, April 2004. nsteps=round(23*x); % number of angular steps if nargin==2, tetadlim=180; % default value 180° end; nx=(1:nsteps); dteta=pi/nsteps; Q=mie(m,x); Qext=Q(1); Qsca=Q(2); Qabs=Q(3); Qb=Q(4); asy=Q(5); nmax=round(2+x+4*x^(1/3)); ab=mie_ab(m,x); an=ab(1,:); bn=ab(2,:); teta=(nx-0.5).*dteta; tetad=teta*180/pi; u=cos(teta); s=sin(teta); px=pi*x^2; st=pi*s*dteta/Qsca; % Constant factor of angular integrands for j = 1:nsteps, pt=mie_pt(u(j),nmax); pin =pt(1,:); tin =pt(2,:); n=(1:nmax); n2=(2*n+1)./(n.*(n+1)); pin=n2.*pin; tin=n2.*tin; S1=(an*pin'+bn*tin'); S2=(an*tin'+bn*pin'); xs=x.*s(j); if abs(xs)<0.00002 % Diffraction pattern according to BH, p. 110 S3=x.*x*0.25.*(1+u(j)); % avoiding division by zero else S3=x.*x*0.5.*(1+u(j)).*besselj(1,xs)./xs; end; S4=S1-S3; S5=S2-S3; SR(j)= real(S1'*S1)/px; SL(j)= real(S2'*S2)/px; SR0(j)=real(S4'*S4)/px; SL0(j)=real(S5'*S5)/px; end; z=st.*(SL+SR); % Integrand z0=st.*(SL0+SR0); % Integrand etabdlim=cumsum(z); % Beam Efficiency with limited angle nj=11; for jj=1:nj, % Phase fct. decomposition in Legendre Polynomials xa=legendre(jj-1,u); % Legendre Function x0=xa(1,:); % Legendre Polynomial gi(jj)=x0*z'; % Beam Eff., asymmetry factor and higher gi's g0i(jj)=x0*z0'; % same, but diffraction signal removed end; etab=gi(1); gi=gi/etab; gi=gi(2:nj); etab0=g0i(1); g0i=g0i/etab0; g0i=g0i(2:nj); Qd=Qsca*(etab-etab0); % Qd = diffraction efficiency n=max(find(tetad