function result = Mie_tetado(x,fact) % Computation of Mie Power Scattering and diffraction functions % and gi coefficients of Legendre Polynomial decomposition % for complex refractive-index ratio m=m'+im", size parameters x=k0*a, % according to Bohren and Huffman (1983) BEWI:TDD122 % 1) polar diagram, linear or in dB scale with respect to minimum, with % SL in upper semicircle, SR in lower semicircle and 3 cartesian diagrams % 2) same for SL0 and SR0 without diffraction pattern, % 3) scattered intensity S (lin or log scale), and degree of polarisation % 4) scattered intensity without diffraction peak S0 (lin or log scale), % 5) beam efficiencies of S and S0, diffraction efficiency Qd % 6) gi-factors (coefficients of Legendre Polynomials of Phase Function). % C. Mätzler, April 2004. m1=[1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5]; nj=length(m1); Q=[];gi=[];g0i=[]; m=m1+0.001i; for j=1:nj, y=mie_teta(m(j),x,fact); y.Q=[m1(j),y.Q]; Q=[Q;y.Q]; gi=[gi;]; g0i=[g0i;y.g0i]; end; result.Q=Q;; result.g0i=g0i;