function S = ssmt2_read_ngdc(fn, varargin) % ssmt2_read_ngdc Read SSM-T/2 NGDC file % % Reads an SSM-T/2 file from NGDC % % FORMAT % % S = ssmt2_read_ngdc(path_to_file) % % IN % % path_to_file String representing path to file containing data. % Either compressed or plain. % fields Cella rray of strings containing fields to read. % Optional; by default, read all fields. % To explicitly read all, pass string 'all'. % See below for valid fields. % % OUT % % S structure with data fields % % % Fields that can be read: % % global_attributes ancil_data tb lon lat channel_quality_flag % gain_control counts_to_tb_gain counts_to_tb_offset thermal_reference % Temperature_misc_housekeeping warm_counts cold_counts % $Id$ [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(fn); fields = optargs(varargin, {'all'}); %% unpack if necessary if strcmpi(ext, '.gz') T2file = uncompress(fn, atmlab('WORK_AREA'), struct('unidentified', 'error')); c1 = onCleanup(@()delete(T2file)); else T2file = fn; end %% convert from T2 to nc. Needs Python. pyscript = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), ... ''); try ncfile = [tempname(atmlab('WORK_AREA')) '.nc']; c2 = onCleanup(@()delete(ncfile)); cmd = [atmlab('PYTHON') ' ' pyscript ' ' T2file ' ' ncfile]; [out, ret] = exec_system_cmd(cmd, true, false); catch ME error(['atmlab:' mfilename ':conversion'], ... ['I tried to convert from T2 to nc using a Python script, ' ... 'but failed. You need a Python installation with a suitable ' ... 'right NetCDF library. The problem was: %s'], ME.message); end switch nargin case 1 S = loadncfile(ncfile); case 2 [S, S.global_attributes] = loadncvar(ncfile, fields); otherwise error(['atmlab:' mfilename], 'I can''t possibly be here!'); end end