% SMRAPI_BASIC_SETIINGS % % The API structure holds settings associated with the SMR WebApi, that % normally should be static for one session. The fields are % url : The address to the WebApi server. % version : The API version. % timeout : Timout value for calls of the WebApi [s]. % robust : False means to issue an error if api call fails. % If set to true, data are instead set to NaN (and no error % is issued). % retries : Number of API calls to do, if robust. % % FORMAT API = smrapi_basic_settings % % OUT API Structure holding the settings. % 2017-08-18 Patrick Eriksson function API = smrapi_basic_settings API.url = 'odin.rss.chalmers.se'; API.version = 'v5'; API.timeout = 120; API.retries = 2; API.robust = false;