function [w, y] = weekofyear(varargin) %WEEKOFYEAR Ordinal week number. % % WEEKOFYEAR(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND) returns the % ordinal week number in the given year plus a fractional part % depending on the day and time of day. % % [WEEK, YEAR] = WEEKOFYEAR(...) also returns the year the week belongs % to. % % The week number is an integer between 1 and 53, inclusive. % % Any missing MONTH or DAY will be replaced by ones. Any missing HOUR, % MINUTE or SECOND will be replaced by zeros. If no date is specified, % the current date and time is used. % % This function is ISO 8601 compliant: The first week of a given year is % the first week which has more days in the given year than in the % previous year. % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2002-03-03 12:49:15 +0100 % E-mail: % URL: nargsin = nargin; %error(nargchk(0, 6, nargsin)); if nargsin argv = { 1 1 1 0 0 0 }; argv(1:nargsin) = varargin; else argv = num2cell(clock); end [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = deal(argv{:}); % ISO 8601 states that a week that lies partly in one year and partly % in another is assigned a number in the year in which most of its % days lie. Consequence: Week 1 of any year is the week that % contains 4 January. Hence, the first week started on the following % day of the year % % yd1 = 4: week 1 started on 4 January of current year % yd1 = 3: week 1 started on 3 January of current year % yd1 = 2: week 1 started on 2 January of current year % yd1 = 1: week 1 started on 1 January of current year % yd1 = 0: week 1 started on 31 December of previous year % yd1 = -1: week 1 started on 30 December of previous year % yd1 = -2: week 1 started on 29 December of previous year % yd1 = 5 - dayofweek(year, 1, 4); % Get the ordinal day number and calculate the "raw" week number. yd2 = dayofyear(year, month, day); w = 1 + floor( (yd2 - yd1)/7 ); % Now, if the week number is 0, the week is either week 52 or 53 of % the previous year. If the week number is 53, the week is either % week 53 of the current year or week 1 of the next year. y = year; if length(y) == 1, y = y(ones(size(w))); end; % scalar expansion % Take care of the case when the week number is 0. i = find(w == 0); if ~isempty(i) y(i) = y(i) - 1; w(i) = weeksinyear(y(i)); end % Take care of the case when the week number is 53. i = find(w == 53); if ~isempty(i) j = find(weeksinyear(y(i)) == 52) if any(j(:)) y(i(j)) = y(i(j)) + 1; w(i(j)) = 1; end end % Now add the fractional part of the day. w = w + ( 86400*( dayofweek(year, month, day) - 1 ) ... + 3600*hour + 60*minute + second )/604800;