WorkSpace Class Reference

The declaration of the (great) workspace. More...

#include <auto_wsv.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

ArrayOfLineRecord lines
 A list of spectral line data.
ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord lines_per_tg
 A list of spectral line data for each tag.
TagGroups tgs
 This is an array of arrays of OneTag tag definitions.
TagGroups wfs_tgs
 This is an array of arrays of tag group definitions.
TagGroups wfss_tgs
 This is an array of arrays of tag group definitions.
ArrayOfLineshapeSpec lineshape
 Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.
ArrayOfString cont_description_names
 Continuum / full model absorption tag names.
ArrayOfString cont_description_models
 Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.
ArrayOfVector cont_description_parameters
 Continuum model parameters.
Matrix raw_ptz
 Matrix has rows: 1.
ArrayOfMatrix raw_vmrs
 The individual VMR profiles.
Vector p_abs
 The pressure grid for the absorption coefficients [Pa].
Vector f_mono
 The monochromatic frequency grid [Hz].
Vector t_abs
 Temperature associated with the pressures in p_abs [K].
Vector z_abs
 Vertical altitudes associated with the pressures in p_abs [m].
Vector h2o_abs
 The total water profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-].
Vector n2_abs
 The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-].
Matrix vmrs
 The VMRs (unit: absolute number) on the p_abs grid.
Matrix abs
 The matrix of absorption coefficients (in units of [1/m]).
Matrix abs0
 A second absoprtion matrix.
ArrayOfMatrix abs_per_tg
 These are the absorption coefficients individually for each tag group.
ArrayOfMatrix xsec_per_tg
 These are the cross sections individually for each tag group.
Vector hse
 This vector holds the parameters for calculating hydrostatic equilibrium (HSE).
Index emission
 Boolean to include emssion in the calculation of spectra.
Vector za_pencil
 Pencil beam zenith angle grid [deg].
Vector z_tan
 Tangent altitude for each spectrum [m].
Numeric z_plat
 Vertical altitude, above the geoid, of the observation platform [m].
Numeric l_step
 The maximum length, along the LOS, between the points of LOS [m].
Index refr
 Boolean for inclusion of refraction (0=no refraction, 1=refraction).
Index refr_lfac
 This factor determines the step length used during the ray tracing performed when considering refraction.
String refr_model
 A string giving what parameterization to use for the calculation of refractive index.
Vector refr_index
 The refractive index at the pressure levels in p_abs [-].
Numeric r_geoid
 The local curvature radius of the geoid along the LOS [m].
Numeric z_ground
 The vertical altitude above the geoid of the ground [m].
Numeric t_ground
 The physical temperature of the ground [K].
Vector e_ground
 The ground emission factor for the frequencies in f_mono [0-1].
Los los
 Structure to define the line of sight (LOS).
ArrayOfMatrix source
 Mean source function between the points of the LOS.
ArrayOfMatrix trans
 The transmissions between the points of the LOS [-].
Vector y_space
 Radiation entering the atmosphere at the top of the atmosphere, typically cosmic background radiation.
Vector y
 The working set of spectra.
Vector y0
 A reference spectrum.
Matrix h
 The H matrix.
ArrayOfMatrix absloswfs
 Line of sight weighting functions.
Vector k_grid
 Retrieval grid to be used in calculation of weighting functions (WFs) For example, *k_grid* is the pressure altitude grid for species WFs.
Matrix k
 The weighting functions (WFs) for a single retrieval/error group.
ArrayOfString k_names
 Names of the retrieval identies in *k*.
Matrix k_aux
 Auxiliary data for *k*.
Matrix kx
 The state weighting function matrix.
ArrayOfString kx_names
 Names of the retrieval identities in *kx*.
ArrayOfIndex kx_lengths
 The length of the state vector for each retrieval identity in *kx*.
Matrix kx_aux
 Auxiliary data for *kx*.
Matrix kb
 The model parameters weighting function matrix.
ArrayOfString kb_names
 Names of the model parameter identities in *kb*.
ArrayOfIndex kb_lengths
 The length of the model vector for each retrieval identity in *kb*.
Matrix kb_aux
 Auxiliary data for *kb*.
Matrix S_S
 Stores the accuracy of the spectroscopic parameters read from catalog This are necessary for the the spectroscopic error analysis number columns = 2; first keeps the absolute error, second the error in percents number lines equal of spectroscopic parameters investigated (the number of columns of k).
String batchname
 Default basename for batch data.
Matrix ybatch
 A batch of spectra.
ArrayOfMatrix absbatch
 A batch of absorption coefficients.
ArrayOfMatrix jacbatch
 A batch of jacobian matrices.
ArrayOfMatrix radiosonde_data
 An array of Matrix holding data for many radiosonde launches.
Matrix coolrate
 Cooling rate matrix, in unit of K/s/Hz.
Vector p_coolrate
 Pressures for which to calculate cooling rates.
ArrayOfIndex method_list
 A list of methods.

Detailed Description

The declaration of the (great) workspace.

Definition at line 90 of file auto_wsv.h.

Member Data Documentation

A list of spectral line data.

Definition at line 93 of file auto_wsv.h.

A list of spectral line data for each tag.

    Dimensions: (tag_groups.nelem()) (# of lines for this tag)

Definition at line 98 of file auto_wsv.h.

This is an array of arrays of OneTag tag definitions.

    It defines the available tag groups for the calculation
    of absorption coefficients and weighting functions.
    Contrary to the original Bredbeck definition, tags within a
    group must belong to the same species, because one VMR profile
    is associated with each tag group.

Definition at line 107 of file auto_wsv.h.

This is an array of arrays of tag group definitions.

    It defines the tag groups for the calculation of weighting
    functions. The selected tag groups must be a subgroup of the
    tag groups defined for the absorption coefficient calculation.

Definition at line 114 of file auto_wsv.h.

This is an array of arrays of tag group definitions.

    It defines the tag groups for the calculation of weighting
    functions. The selected tag groups must be a subgroup of the
    tag groups defined for the absorption coefficient calculation.

Definition at line 121 of file auto_wsv.h.

Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff.

    There is one entry for
    each abs_tag, not for each species. This means if you have several
    abs_tags for different isotopes or transitions of a species, you
    may use different lineshapes.

Definition at line 129 of file auto_wsv.h.

Continuum / full model absorption tag names.

    This variable should
    contain a list of tag names of continuum and full models, respectively.
    Associated with this WSV is the WSV
    `cont_description_models' which contains the specific model version of
    each continuum / full model absorption tag and the WSV
    `cont_description_parameters' which should contain the continuum / full model
    user defined parameters. The user defined parameters are only used when
    the specified model is 'user'. See also the online documentation in
    The following full water vapor models are implemented:
    'H2O-MPM87': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       H. J. Liebe,
       A contribution to modeling atmospheric millimeter-wave properties,
       Frequenz,  41, 1987, 31-36
       H. J. Liebe and D. H. Layton,
       Millimeter-wave properties of the atmosphere:
       Laboratory studies and propagation modeling,
       U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information
       Administration, Institute for Communication Sciences,
       325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303-3328, report 87224.
    'H2O-MPM89': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       H. J. Liebe,
     Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 10(6), 1989, 631
    'H2O-MPM93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 
    'H2O-CP98': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       S. L. Cruz-Pol et al.,
     Radio Science, 33(5), 1319, 1998   (
    'H2O-PWR98': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
        Radio Science, 33(4),  919, 1998, Radio Science, 34(4), 1025, 1999
    The following full oxygen models are implemented:
    'O2-MPM93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21
    'O2-PWR93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to 
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
     Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, 
       Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (
    The following continuum parameterizations are implemented:
    H2O-H2O ('H2O-SelfContStandardType'):
       P. W. Rosenkranz, 
       Radio Science, Vol. 33, No 4, Pages 919-928, 1998 and 
       Radio Science, Vol. 34, No 4, Page 1025, 1999 (
    H2O-air ('H2O-ForeignContStandardType'): 
       P. W. Rosenkranz, 
       Radio Science, Vol. 33, No 4, Pages 919-928, 1998 and 
       Radio Science, Vol. 34, No 4, Page 1025, 1999 (
    H2O-air ('H2O-ContMPM93'): 
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21
    O2-air ('O2-SelfContStandardType'):
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
       Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen,
       Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry,
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993
       and also described in 
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21
    N2-N2 ('N2-SelfContStandardType'):
       The functional form of Rosenkranz but with more input parameters.
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
       Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen,
       Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry,
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (
    N2-N2 ('N2-SelfContMPM93'):
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 
    CO2-CO2 ('CO2-SelfContPWR93'):
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
       Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen,
       Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry,
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (
    CO2-N2 ('CO2-ForeignContPWR93'):
       P. W. Rosenkranz,
       Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen,
       Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry,
       John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (
    The following cloud absorption models are implemented:
    Suspended water droplet ('liquidcloud-MPM93') 
       absorption parameterization from the MPM93 model:
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21
    Ice water droplet absorption ('icecloud-MPM93') 
       parameterization from MPM93 model:
       H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,
       Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice
       particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz,
       AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave
       Propagation Panel,
     Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21
    The following rain extinction model is implemented:
    Rain extinction parameterization ('rain-MPM93') from the
       MPM93 model, described in:
       H. J. Liebe,
       MPM - An Atmospheric Millimeter-Wave Propagation Model,
       Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 10(6),
       pp. 631-650, 1989;
       and based on:
       Olsen, R.L., D.V. Rogers, and D. B. Hodge,
       The aR^b relation in the calculation of rain attenuation,
       IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-26, pp. 318-329, 1978.
       IMPORTANT NOTE: rain-MPM93 parameterizes the EXTINCTION by rain,
        not just the absorption. Therefore it is not suitable for 
        calculating thermal emission by rain!
        Please use rain-MPM93 only for calculation of attenuation.

Definition at line 281 of file auto_wsv.h.

Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.

    See the WSV `cont_description_names' for a detailed description
    of the allowed continuum models. There should be one string here
    for each entry in `cont_description_names'.See also the onlinedocumentation in arts/doc/doxygen/html/continua_cc.html.

Definition at line 289 of file auto_wsv.h.

Continuum model parameters.

    See the WSV `cont_description_names'
    for a detailed description of the allowed continuum models. There
    should be one parameter vector here for each entry in
    `cont_description_names'. See also the online documentation in

Definition at line 299 of file auto_wsv.h.

Matrix has rows: 1.

    Pressure in Pa
    2. Temperature in K
    3. Altitude in m

Definition at line 307 of file auto_wsv.h.

The individual VMR profiles.

    Each species VMR profile comes with a
    pressure profile. The different species can hence be on different
    The matrix has rows:
    1. Pressure in Pa
    2. VMR profile (absolute number)
    The array dimension is determined by the number of tag groups.

Definition at line 318 of file auto_wsv.h.

The pressure grid for the absorption coefficients [Pa].

    is the basic independent grid for the absorption calculation, both
    in the 1D and 2D case. Therefore it remains a vector, even in 2D.
    The "raw" atmospheric data shall be interpolated to p_abs before
    the absorption calculations starts.

Definition at line 327 of file auto_wsv.h.

The monochromatic frequency grid [Hz].

Definition at line 329 of file auto_wsv.h.

Temperature associated with the pressures in p_abs [K].

Definition at line 331 of file auto_wsv.h.

Vertical altitudes associated with the pressures in p_abs [m].

Definition at line 333 of file auto_wsv.h.

The total water profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-].

Definition at line 335 of file auto_wsv.h.

The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-].

Definition at line 337 of file auto_wsv.h.

The VMRs (unit: absolute number) on the p_abs grid.

    Dimensions: [tag_groups.nelem(), p_abs.nelem()]

Definition at line 342 of file auto_wsv.h.

The matrix of absorption coefficients (in units of [1/m]).

    Dimensions: [f_mono.nelem(), p_abs.nelem()]

Definition at line 347 of file auto_wsv.h.

A second absoprtion matrix.

    This matrix can be used, for example,
    to store absorption read from a file that shall be added to *abs*.

Definition at line 353 of file auto_wsv.h.

These are the absorption coefficients individually for each tag group.

    The Array contains one matrix for each tag group,
    the matrix format is the same as that of abs

Definition at line 360 of file auto_wsv.h.

These are the cross sections individually for each tag group.

    The Array contains one matrix for each tag group,
    the matrix format is the same as that of abs

Definition at line 367 of file auto_wsv.h.

This vector holds the parameters for calculating hydrostatic equilibrium (HSE).

    The length of the vector is either 1 or 5, where
    the values are: 
       1: On/off flag. 0 = ignore HSE, 1 = consider HSE.
       2: The pressure of the reference point [Pa]. 
       3: The altitude of the reference point [m]. 
       4: Gravitational acceleration at the geoid surface [m/s2]. 
       5: Number of iterations of the calculations.
    If the on/off flag is set to 1, the length of the vector must be 5,
    while if the flag is 0 a length of 1 is OK.
    See the function hseCalc for some more details.

Definition at line 382 of file auto_wsv.h.

Boolean to include emssion in the calculation of spectra.

    If this variable is set to 0 (zero) pure transmission calculations 
    will be simulated and, for example, yCalc will give optical 
    thicknesses instead of radiation intensities.

Definition at line 389 of file auto_wsv.h.

Pencil beam zenith angle grid [deg].

    The observation direction is specified by the angle between zenith 
    and the LOS.

Definition at line 395 of file auto_wsv.h.

Tangent altitude for each spectrum [m].

    These tangent altitudes include the effect of refraction (if set). 
    In the case of a ground intersection, a geometrical prolongation 
    below the ground is applied to determine the tangent altitude. 
    For upward observations where there are no tangent altitudes, 
    *z_tan* is set to 999 km. 
    It should be noted that the LOS calculations take *za_pencil* as 
    input, not *z_tan*. However, *za_pencil* can be calculated from 
    *z_tan* by the function *zaFromZtan*. 

Definition at line 407 of file auto_wsv.h.

Vertical altitude, above the geoid, of the observation platform [m].

Definition at line 409 of file auto_wsv.h.

The maximum length, along the LOS, between the points of LOS [m].

    The final step length will in most cases equal the selected length.
    There are two rare exceptions:
      1. Downward observations from within the atmosphere, where the step
         length is adjusted downwards to get an integer number of steps
         between the sensor and the tangent or ground point.
      2. Limb sounding and the distance from the tangent point to the
         atmospheric limit (the highest absorption altitude) is smaller
         than the selected length. The length is then adjusted to this

Definition at line 422 of file auto_wsv.h.

Boolean for inclusion of refraction (0=no refraction, 1=refraction).

Definition at line 424 of file auto_wsv.h.

This factor determines the step length used during the ray tracing performed when considering refraction.

    The step length applied is *l_step* divided by *refr_lfac*. 
    Accordingly, this factor gives how many ray tracing steps that are 
    performed for each step of the LOS.

Definition at line 432 of file auto_wsv.h.

A string giving what parameterization to use for the calculation of refractive index.

    See *refrCalc* for existing choices.

Definition at line 438 of file auto_wsv.h.

The refractive index at the pressure levels in p_abs [-].

Definition at line 440 of file auto_wsv.h.

The local curvature radius of the geoid along the LOS [m].

Definition at line 442 of file auto_wsv.h.

The vertical altitude above the geoid of the ground [m].

Definition at line 444 of file auto_wsv.h.

The physical temperature of the ground [K].

Definition at line 446 of file auto_wsv.h.

The ground emission factor for the frequencies in f_mono [0-1].

Definition at line 448 of file auto_wsv.h.

Structure to define the line of sight (LOS).

    See los.h for 
    definition of the structure.

Definition at line 454 of file auto_wsv.h.

Mean source function between the points of the LOS.

Definition at line 456 of file auto_wsv.h.

The transmissions between the points of the LOS [-].

Definition at line 458 of file auto_wsv.h.

Radiation entering the atmosphere at the top of the atmosphere, typically cosmic background radiation.

    This variable is most easily 
    set by the function *y_spaceStd*.

Definition at line 465 of file auto_wsv.h.

The working set of spectra.

    The spectra from the different zenith angles are appended to form *y*.

Definition at line 470 of file auto_wsv.h.

A reference spectrum.

    This variable can be used e.g. to save a copy
    of *y* or to compare the spectra before and after some operation(s).

Definition at line 476 of file auto_wsv.h.

The H matrix.

    Can be used to apply the sensor model to monochromatic pencil beam
    spectra and weighting functions. 

Definition at line 483 of file auto_wsv.h.

Line of sight weighting functions.

    See AUG for definition of this quantity. 

Definition at line 488 of file auto_wsv.h.

Retrieval grid to be used in calculation of weighting functions (WFs) For example, *k_grid* is the pressure altitude grid for species WFs.

    Not all WFs need 'k_grid* as input.

Definition at line 494 of file auto_wsv.h.

The weighting functions (WFs) for a single retrieval/error group.

Definition at line 496 of file auto_wsv.h.

Names of the retrieval identies in *k*.

Definition at line 498 of file auto_wsv.h.

Auxiliary data for *k*.

    The number of rows of this matrix equals the
    length of the state vector for the retrieval group (the number of
    columns of k).
    The columns hold different quantities:
      Col 1: retrieval grid (or correspondingly)
      Col 2: a priori values

Definition at line 508 of file auto_wsv.h.

The state weighting function matrix.

Definition at line 510 of file auto_wsv.h.

Names of the retrieval identities in *kx*.

Definition at line 512 of file auto_wsv.h.

The length of the state vector for each retrieval identity in *kx*.

Definition at line 514 of file auto_wsv.h.

Auxiliary data for *kx*.

    As *k_aux* but with the data of the 
    different retrieval groups appended vertically.

Definition at line 520 of file auto_wsv.h.

The model parameters weighting function matrix.

Definition at line 522 of file auto_wsv.h.

Names of the model parameter identities in *kb*.

Definition at line 524 of file auto_wsv.h.

The length of the model vector for each retrieval identity in *kb*.

Definition at line 526 of file auto_wsv.h.

Auxiliary data for *kb*.

    As *k_aux* but with the data of the 
    different forward model groups appended vertically.

Definition at line 532 of file auto_wsv.h.

Stores the accuracy of the spectroscopic parameters read from catalog This are necessary for the the spectroscopic error analysis number columns = 2; first keeps the absolute error, second the error in percents number lines equal of spectroscopic parameters investigated (the number of columns of k).

Definition at line 538 of file auto_wsv.h.

Default basename for batch data.

Definition at line 540 of file auto_wsv.h.

A batch of spectra.

    The spectra are stored as columns in a matrix

Definition at line 545 of file auto_wsv.h.

A batch of absorption coefficients.


Definition at line 550 of file auto_wsv.h.

A batch of jacobian matrices.


Definition at line 555 of file auto_wsv.h.

An array of Matrix holding data for many radiosonde launches.

    dimension of the Array is the number of radiosonde launches. Each
    Matrix within the Array has dimension nx4, where n is the number of
    pressure levels. The columns of the Matrix are:
    pressure [Pa] temperature [K] altitude [m] VMR [1]

Definition at line 565 of file auto_wsv.h.

Cooling rate matrix, in unit of K/s/Hz.

    Dimensions: [f_mono.nelem(), z_crates.nelem()]

Definition at line 570 of file auto_wsv.h.

Pressures for which to calculate cooling rates.

Definition at line 572 of file auto_wsv.h.

A list of methods.

    See "arts -d MethodListDefine"
    for an explanation what a method list is.

Definition at line 578 of file auto_wsv.h.

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