ARTS  2.2.66
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <stdexcept>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <cstdlib>
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include "arts.h"
6 #include "array.h"
7 #include "auto_md.h"
8 #include "check_input.h"
9 #include "matpackVII.h"
10 #include "logic.h"
11 #include "ppath.h"
12 #include "agenda_class.h"
13 #include "physics_funcs.h"
14 #include "lin_alg.h"
15 #include "math_funcs.h"
16 #include "messages.h"
17 #include "xml_io.h"
18 #include "rte.h"
19 #include "special_interp.h"
20 #include "doit.h"
21 #include "m_general.h"
22 #include "wsv_aux.h"
23 #include "geodetic.h"
27 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
29  Workspace& ws,
30  Tensor7& doit_i_field,
31  const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
32  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
33  const Vector& lat_grid,
34  const Vector& lon_grid,
35  const Tensor3& z_field,
36  const Tensor3& t_field,
37  const Tensor4& vmr_field,
38  const Matrix& z_surface,
39  const Index& cloudbox_on,
40  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
41  const Index& basics_checked,
42  const Index& cloudbox_checked,
43  const Index& sensor_checked,
44  const Vector& f_grid,
45  const Index& stokes_dim,
46  const String& iy_unit,
47  const Agenda& blackbody_radiation_agenda,
48  const Vector& scat_za_grid,
49  const Vector& scat_aa_grid,
50  const Index& fill_interior,
51  const Verbosity&)
52 {
53  // Don't do anything if there's no cloudbox defined.
54  if (!cloudbox_on) return;
56  // Basics and cloudbox OK?
57  if( basics_checked<2 )
58  throw runtime_error("The atmosphere, surface and basic control variables "
59  "must be flagged to have passed a consistency check\n"
60  "by basics_checkedCalc (basics_checked=2)!" );
61  if( !cloudbox_checked )
62  throw runtime_error( "The cloudbox must be flagged to have passed a "
63  "consistency check (cloudbox_checked=1)." );
64  if( !sensor_checked )
65  throw runtime_error( "The sensor variables must be flagged to have passed"
66  "a consistency check (sensor_checked=1)." );
68  // Main sizes
69  const Index Nf = f_grid.nelem();
70  const Index Np = cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0] + 1;
71  const Index Nza = scat_za_grid.nelem();
72  const Index Ni = stokes_dim;
73  Index Nlat=1, Nlon=1, Naa=1;
75  //--- Special checks -------------------------------------------------------
76  if( !(atmosphere_dim == 1 || atmosphere_dim == 3) )
77  throw runtime_error( "The atmospheric dimensionality must be 1 or 3.");
78  // DOIT requires frequency based radiance:
79  if( iy_unit != "1" ||
80  !chk_if_std_blackbody_agenda( ws, blackbody_radiation_agenda ) )
81  {
82  ostringstream os;
83  os << "It is assumed that you use this method together with DOIT.\n"
84  << "Usage of this method then demands that the *iy_main_agenda*\n"
85  << "returns frequency based radiance (ie. [W/m2/Hz/sr]).\n"
86  << "This requires that *iy_unit* is set to \"1\" and that\n"
87  << "*blackbody_radiation_agenda uses *blackbody_radiationPlanck*\n"
88  << "or a corresponding WSM.\n"
89  << "At least one of these requirements is not met.\n";
90  throw runtime_error( os.str() );
91  }
92  if( scat_za_grid[0] != 0. || scat_za_grid[Nza-1] != 180. )
93  throw runtime_error(
94  "*scat_za_grid* must include 0 and 180 degrees as endpoints." );
95  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
96  {
97  Naa = scat_aa_grid.nelem();
98  if( scat_aa_grid[0] != 0. || scat_aa_grid[Naa-1] != 360. )
99  throw runtime_error(
100  "*scat_aa_grid* must include 0 and 360 degrees as endpoints." );
101  Nlat = cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2] + 1;
102  Nlon = cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4] + 1;
103  }
104  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
106  // Size doit_i_field and set to dummy value
107  doit_i_field.resize( Nf, Np, Nlat, Nlon, Nza, Naa, Ni );
108  doit_i_field = -999e9;
110  // A matrix to flag if surface done for lat/lon
111  Matrix surface_done( Nlat, Nlon, -1 );
113  // Convert scat_aa_grid to "sensor coordinates"
114  // (-180° < azimuth angle < 180°)
115  Vector aa_grid(Naa);
116  for(Index i = 0; i<Naa; i++)
117  { aa_grid[i] = scat_aa_grid[i] - 180; }
119  // Define the variables for position and direction.
120  Vector pos( atmosphere_dim );
121  Vector los( max( Index(1), atmosphere_dim-1 ) );
123  for( Index o=0; o<Nlon; o++ )
124  {
125  for( Index a=0; a<Nlat; a++ )
126  {
128  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
129  {
130  pos[1] = lat_grid[ a + cloudbox_limits[2] ];
131  pos[2] = lon_grid[ o + cloudbox_limits[4] ];
132  }
134  for( Index p=Np-1; p>=0; p-- ) // Note looping downwards
135  {
137  if( fill_interior || p==0 || p==Np-1 || ( atmosphere_dim==3 &&
138  ( a==0 || a==Nlat-1 || o==0 || o==Nlon-1 ) ) )
139  {
141  pos[0] = z_field( p+cloudbox_limits[0], 0, 0 );
143  // Above the surface
144  if( pos[0] > z_surface(a,o) )
145  {
146  for( Index za=0; za<Nza; za++ ) {
148  los[0] = scat_za_grid[za];
149  Matrix iy;
151  for( Index aa=0; aa<Naa; aa++ ) {
152  // For end points of scat_za_grid, we need only to
153  // perform calculations for first aa
154  if( ( za != 0 && za != (Nza-1) ) || aa == 0 )
155  {
156  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
157  { los[1] = aa_grid[aa]; }
159  get_iy( ws, iy, t_field, z_field, vmr_field, 0,
160  f_grid, pos, los, Vector(0),
161  iy_main_agenda );
162  }
164  doit_i_field( joker, p, a, o, za, aa, joker ) = iy;
165  }
166  }
167  }
168  // Surface or below
169  else
170  {
171  // If surface already done for lat/lon, just copy
172  // from above
173  if( surface_done( a, o ) > 0 )
174  {
175  for( Index za=0; za<Nza; za++ ) {
176  for( Index aa=0; aa<Naa; aa++ ) {
177  for( Index iv=0; iv<Nf; iv++ ) {
178  for( Index is=0; is<stokes_dim; is++ ) {
179  doit_i_field(iv,p,a,o,za,aa,is) =
180  doit_i_field(iv,p+1,a,o,za,aa,is);
181  } } } }
182  }
183  // Calculate for surface altitude
184  else
185  {
186  pos[0] = z_surface(a,o);
187  for( Index za=0; za<Nza; za++ ) {
188  //
189  los[0] = scat_za_grid[za];
190  Matrix iy;
191  //
192  for( Index aa=0; aa<Naa; aa++ ) {
193  // For end points of scat_za_grid, we need only to
194  // perform calculations for first aa
195  if( ( za != 0 && za != (Nza-1) ) || aa == 0 )
196  {
197  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
198  { los[1] = aa_grid[aa]; }
200  get_iy( ws, iy, t_field, z_field, vmr_field,
201  0, f_grid, pos, los, Vector(0),
202  iy_main_agenda );
203  }
204  doit_i_field(joker,p,a,o,za,aa,joker) = iy;
205  }
206  }
207  surface_done( a, o ) = 1;
208  }
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  }
213  }
214 }
219 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
221  Matrix& iy,
222  const Tensor7& doit_i_field,
223  const Vector& rte_pos,
224  const Vector& rte_los,
225  const Index& jacobian_do,
226  const Index& cloudbox_on,
227  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
228  const Index& basics_checked,
229  const Index& cloudbox_checked,
230  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
231  const Vector& p_grid,
232  const Vector& lat_grid,
233  const Vector& lon_grid,
234  const Tensor3& z_field,
235  const Index& stokes_dim,
236  const Vector& scat_za_grid,
237  const Vector& scat_aa_grid,
238  const Vector& f_grid,
239  const Index& za_order,
240  const Verbosity& )
241 {
242  // Basics and cloudbox OK?
243  if( !(atmosphere_dim == 1 || atmosphere_dim == 3) )
244  throw runtime_error( "The atmospheric dimensionality must be 1 or 3.");
245  if( !basics_checked )
246  throw runtime_error( "The atmosphere and basic control variables must be "
247  "flagged to have passed a consistency check (basics_checked=1)." );
248  if( !cloudbox_checked )
249  throw runtime_error( "The cloudbox must be flagged to have passed a "
250  "consistency check (cloudbox_checked=1)." );
251  if( !cloudbox_on )
252  throw runtime_error( "The cloud box is not activated and no outgoing "
253  "field can be returned." );
255  // Main sizes
256  const Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
257  const Index nza = scat_za_grid.nelem();
258  const Index np = cloudbox_limits[1]-cloudbox_limits[0]+1;
259  Index naa = 1;
260  Index nlat = 1;
261  Index nlon = 1;
262  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
263  {
264  naa = scat_aa_grid.nelem();
265  nlat = cloudbox_limits[3]-cloudbox_limits[2]+1;
266  nlon = cloudbox_limits[5]-cloudbox_limits[4]+1;
267  }
269  //--- Check input -----------------------------------------------------------
270  // rte_pos checked as part rte_pos2gridpos
271  chk_rte_los( atmosphere_dim, rte_los );
272  if( nza == 0 )
273  throw runtime_error( "The variable *scat_za_grid* is empty. Are dummy "
274  "values from *cloudboxOff used?" );
275  if( za_order < 1 || za_order > 5 )
276  throw runtime_error( "The argument *za_order* must be in the range [1,5].");
277  if( doit_i_field.ncols() != stokes_dim )
278  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *stokes_dim* and "
279  "*doit_i_field*." );
280  if( doit_i_field.nrows() != naa )
281  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *scat_aa_grid* and "
282  "*doit_i_field*." );
283  if( doit_i_field.npages() != nza )
284  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *scat_za_grid* and "
285  "*doit_i_field*." );
286  if( doit_i_field.nshelves() != nlat )
287  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *doit_i_field* and "
288  "latitude part of *cloudbox_limits*." );
289  if( doit_i_field.nbooks() != nlon )
290  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *doit_i_field* and "
291  "longitude part of *cloudbox_limits*." );
292  if( doit_i_field.nvitrines() != np )
293  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *doit_i_field* and "
294  "pressure part of *cloudbox_limits*." );
295  if( doit_i_field.nlibraries() != nf )
296  throw runtime_error( "Inconsistency in size between *f_grid* and "
297  "*doit_i_field*." );
298  if( min( doit_i_field ) <= -999 )
299  throw runtime_error( "A very large negative value found in *doit_i_field*. "
300  "Has the radiation field been calculated properly?" );
301  if( jacobian_do )
302  throw runtime_error(
303  "This method does not provide any jacobians (jacobian_do must be 0)" );
304  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
306  // The approach is:
307  // 1. if 3D shrink this to 1D.
308  // 2. Interpolate in pressure (surface comes in here)
309  // 3. Interpolate in zenith angle
311  // Convert rte_pos to grid positions
312  GridPos gp_p, gp_lat, gp_lon;
313  rte_pos2gridpos( gp_p, gp_lat, gp_lon, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid,
314  lon_grid, z_field, rte_pos );
316  // Remove lat, lon and azimuth angle dimensions
317  //
318  Tensor4 I4;
319  //
320  if( atmosphere_dim == 1 )
321  { I4 = doit_i_field( joker, joker, 0, 0, joker, 0, joker ); }
322  else
323  {
324  // Not ready!!!
326  // Check and shift lat and lon grid positions
327  Numeric fg = fractional_gp( gp_lat );
328  if( fg < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[2]) ||
329  fg > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[3]) )
330  throw runtime_error( "The given *rte_pos* is outside the cloudbox "
331  "(in latitude dimension)!" );
332  gp_lat.idx -= cloudbox_limits[2];
333  gridpos_upperend_check( gp_lat, nlat );
334  //
335  fg = fractional_gp( gp_lon );
336  if( fg < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[4]) ||
337  fg > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[5]) )
338  throw runtime_error( "The given *rte_pos* is outside the cloudbox "
339  "(in longitude dimension)!" );
340  gp_lon.idx -= cloudbox_limits[4];
341  gridpos_upperend_check( gp_lon, nlon );
342  }
344  // Check pressure dimension
345  Numeric fg = fractional_gp( gp_p );
346  if( fg < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[0])-1e-6 || // 1-e6 to have some margin
347  fg > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[1])+1e-6 ) // for numerical issues
348  throw runtime_error( "The given *rte_pos* is outside the cloudbox "
349  "(in pressure dimension)!" );
351  // Pressure (no interpolation if at top or bottom)
352  //
353  Tensor3 I3;
354  //
355  if( fg <= Numeric(cloudbox_limits[0]) )
356  { I3 = I4(joker,0,joker,joker); }
357  else if( fg >= Numeric(cloudbox_limits[1]) )
358  { I3 = I4(joker,np-1,joker,joker); }
359  else
360  { // Interpolation needed!:
361  // Shift grid position
362  gp_p.idx -= cloudbox_limits[0];
363  gridpos_upperend_check( gp_p, np );
365  // Interpolate in pressure
366  Vector itw(2);
367  interpweights( itw, gp_p );
368  //
369  I3.resize(nf,nza,stokes_dim);
370  //
371  for( Index iv=0; iv<nf; iv++ ) {
372  for( Index iza=0; iza<nza; iza++ ) {
373  for( Index is=0; is<stokes_dim; is++ ) {
374  I3(iv,iza,is) = interp( itw, I4(iv,joker,iza,is), gp_p );
375  } } }
376  }
378  iy.resize(nf,stokes_dim);
380  // Interpolate in zenith angle
381  GridPosPoly gp;
382  gridpos_poly( gp, scat_za_grid, rte_los[0], za_order );
383  Vector itw( za_order+1 );
384  interpweights( itw, gp );
385  for( Index iv=0; iv<nf; iv++ )
386  {
387  for( Index is=0; is<stokes_dim; is++ )
388  {
389  iy(iv,is) = interp( itw, I3(iv,joker,is), gp );
390  }
391  }
392 }
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:35
Template functions for general supergeneric ws methods.
bool chk_if_std_blackbody_agenda(Workspace &ws, const Agenda &blackbody_radiation_agenda)
Checks if blackbody_radiation_agenda returns frequency based radiance.
The Agenda class.
Definition: agenda_class.h:44
Declarations having to do with the four output streams.
void gridpos_upperend_check(GridPos &gp, const Index &ie)
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:556
Numeric interp(ConstVectorView itw, ConstVectorView a, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D Interpolate.
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:383
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
Linear algebra functions.
Numeric fractional_gp(const GridPos &gp)
void chk_rte_los(const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView rte_los)
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
The Tensor7 class.
Definition: matpackVII.h:1931
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
Structure to store a grid position.
Definition: interpolation.h:74
This file contains the definition of Array.
The implementation for String, the ARTS string class.
Definition: mystring.h:63
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:348
The global header file for ARTS.
Declarations for agendas.
#define max(a, b)
const Joker joker
Index idx
Definition: interpolation.h:75
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:29
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:788
Index nlibraries() const
Returns the number of libraries.
void gridpos_poly(ArrayOfGridPosPoly &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Set up grid positions for higher order interpolation.
void iyInterpCloudboxField2(Matrix &iy, const Tensor7 &doit_i_field, const Vector &rte_pos, const Vector &rte_los, const Index &jacobian_do, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &basics_checked, const Index &cloudbox_checked, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &scat_za_grid, const Vector &scat_aa_grid, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &za_order, const Verbosity &)
Header file for
Propagation path structure and functions.
void resize(Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
Header file for
Radiative transfer in cloudbox.
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Definition: array.h:40
void rte_pos2gridpos(GridPos &gp_p, GridPos &gp_lat, GridPos &gp_lon, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView rte_pos)
#define min(a, b)
Index nshelves() const
Returns the number of shelves.
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Workspace class.
Definition: workspace_ng.h:47
Structure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation.
Index nvitrines() const
Returns the number of vitrines.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
void get_iy(Workspace &ws, Matrix &iy, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView rte_pos, ConstVectorView rte_los, ConstVectorView rte_pos2, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda)
void interpweights(VectorView itw, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D interpolation weights.
void resize(Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void CloudboxGetIncoming2(Workspace &ws, Tensor7 &doit_i_field, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Tensor4 &vmr_field, const Matrix &z_surface, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &basics_checked, const Index &cloudbox_checked, const Index &sensor_checked, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const String &iy_unit, const Agenda &blackbody_radiation_agenda, const Vector &scat_za_grid, const Vector &scat_aa_grid, const Index &fill_interior, const Verbosity &)
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
Declaration of functions in
void resize(Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
Auxiliary header stuff related to workspace variable groups.