27 int main(
int ,
char * []) {
39 cout <<
"Compare q1==q2: " << q1.
Compare(q2) << endl;
40 cout <<
"Compare q2==q1: " << q2.
Compare(q1) << endl;
44 cout <<
"q1: " << q1 << endl;
45 cout <<
"q2: " << q2 << endl;
51 cout <<
"q3: " << q3 << endl;
53 cout << endl <<
"========================================" << endl << endl;
64 abs_linesReadFromHitran(
66 "/Users/olemke/Dropbox/Hacking/sat/catalogue/HITRAN2008/HITRAN08.par",
78 }
catch (
const std::runtime_error &e) {
79 cout << e.what() << endl;
bool Compare(const QuantumNumbers &qn) const
Compare Quantum Numbers Ignores any undefined numbers in the comparison.
void Print(Workspace &ws, const Agenda &x, const Index &level, const Verbosity &verbosity)
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
void timerStart(Timer &, const Verbosity &)
void define_species_map()
The global header file for ARTS.
Header file for sparse matrices.
Implements rational numbers to work with other ARTS types.
The declarations of all the exception classes.
A tag group can consist of the sum of several of these.
void ReadXML(T &v, const String &v_name, const String &f, const String &f_name, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Declarations required for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
void Set(Index qn, Rational r)
Set quantum number at position.
void define_species_data()
Container class for Quantum Numbers.
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Workspace methods and template functions for supergeneric XML IO.
void WriteXML(const String &file_format, const T &v, const String &f, const Index &no_clobber, const String &v_name, const String &f_name, const String &no_clobber_name, const Verbosity &verbosity)
void timerStop(const Timer &, const Verbosity &)