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Group references
In the Pipeline
- Eriksson, P., M. Ekström, C. Melsheimer, and S. A. Buehler (2007), Efficient forward modelling by matrix representation of sensor responses, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 27(9–10), 1793–1808, doi:10.1080/01431160500447254.
- Teichmann, C., S. A. Buehler, and C. Emde (2006), Understanding the polarization signal of spherical particles for microwave limb radiances, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 101(1), 179–190, doi:doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2006.03.001.
- Buehler, S. A., C. L. Verdes, S. Tsujimaru, A. Kleinboehl, H. Bremer, M. Sinnhuber, and P. Eriksson (2005), Expected Performance of the SMILES Submillimeter-Wave Limb Sounder compared to Aircraft Data, Radio Sci., 40(3), RS3016, doi:10.1029/2004RS003089.
- Davis, C., C. Emde, and R. Harwood (2005), A 3D Polarized Reversed Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Model for mm and sub-mm Passive Remote Sensing in Cloudy Atmospheres, IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 43(5), 1096–1101, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2004.837505.
- Melsheimer, C., C. Verdes, S. A. Buehler, C. Emde, P. Eriksson, D. G. Feist, S. Ichizawa, V. O. John, Y. Kasai, G. Kopp, N. Koulev, T. Kuhn, O. Lemke, S. Ochiai, F. Schreier, T. R. Sreerekha, M. Suzuki, C. Takahashi, S. Tsujimaru, and J. Urban (2005), Intercomparison of General Purpose Clear Sky Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models for the Millimeter/Submillimeter Spectral Range, Radio Sci., 40, RS1007, doi:10.1029/2004RS003110.
- Verdes, C. L., S. A. Buehler, A. Perrin, J.-M. Flaud, J. Demaison, G. Wlodarczak, J.-M. Colmont, G. Cazzoli, and C. Puzzarini (2005), A Sensitivity Study on Spectroscopic Parameter Accuracies for a mm/sub-mm Limb Sounder Instrument, J. Molec. Spectro., 229(2), 266–275, doi:10.1016/j.jms.2004.09.014.
- Buehler, S. A., P. Eriksson, T. Kuhn, A. von Engeln, and C. Verdes (2005), ARTS, the atmospheric radiative transfer simulator, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 91(1), 65–93, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.05.051.
- Eriksson, P., C. Jiménez, and S. A. Buehler (2005), Qpack, a general tool for instrument simulation and retrieval work, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 91(1), 47–64, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.05.050.
- Verdes, C., A. von Engeln, and S. A. Buehler (2005), Partition Function Data and Impact on Retrieval Quality for a Mm/Sub-mm Limb Sounder, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 90(2), 217–238, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.03.012.
- Emde, C., S. A. Buehler, C. Davis, P. Eriksson, T. R. Sreerekha, and C. Teichmann (2004), A Polarized Discrete Ordinate Scattering Model for Simulations of Limb and Nadir Longwave Measurements in 1D/3D Spherical Atmospheres, J. Geophys. Res., 109(D24), D24207, doi:10.1029/2004JD005140.
- Emde, C., S. A. Buehler, P. Eriksson, and T. R. Sreerekha (2004), The effect of cirrus clouds on microwave limb radiances, Atmos. Res., 72(1–4), 383–401, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.03.023.
- Verdes, C., S. A. Buehler, A. von Engeln, T. Kuhn, K. Kuenzi, P. Eriksson, and B.-M. Sinnhuber (2002), Pointing and Temperature Retrieval from Millimeter / Sub-Millimeter Limb Soundings, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D16), 4299, doi:10.1029/2001JD000777.
- Sreerekha, T. R., S. A. Buehler, and C. Emde (2002), A Simple New Radiative Transfer Model for Simulating the Effect of Cirrus Clouds in the Microwave Spectral Region, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 75, 611-624.
- Eriksson, P., C. Jiménez, S. A. Buehler, and D. Murtagh (2002), A Hotelling transformation approach for rapid inversion of atmospheric spectra, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 73, 529–543, doi:10.1016/S0022-4073(01)00175-3.
- Kuhn, T., A. Bauer, M. Godon, S. A. Buehler, and K. Kuenzi (2002), Water vapor continuum: Absorption measurements at 350 GHz and model calculations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 74(5), 545–562, doi:10.1016/S0022-4073(01)00271-0.
- Pumphrey, H. C. and S. A. Buehler (2000), Instrumental and Spectral Parameters: Their Effect on and Measurement by Microwave Limb Sounding of the Atmosphere, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 64, 421–437.
Books and Book Contributions
- Buehler, S. A. (2002), Microwave Limb Sounding, In: Remote Sensing of Atmosphere and Ocean from Space: Models, Instruments and Techniques, Edited by Marzano, Frank and Guido Visconti, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-0943-7.
- Buehler, S. A. (ed.) (2001), International Symposium on Sub-Millimeter Wave Earth Observation from Space - III, Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-89722-700-2.
- Eriksson, P. and S. A. Buehler (ed.) (2001), Atmospheric Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Radiative Transfer Modeling II, Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-89722-585-9, ISBN 1615-6862.
- Buehler, S. A. and P. Eriksson (ed.) (2000), Atmospheric Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Radiative Transfer Modeling, Berichte aus der PhysikShaker Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-8265-7486-9.
- Emde, Claudia (2005), A Polarized Discrete Ordinate Scatterig Model for Radiative Transfer Simulations in Spherical Atmospheres with Thermal Source, Ph.D. thesis, University of Bremen, ISBN 3-8325-0885-4.
- Buehler, S. A. (2004), Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition for Climate Applications, .
- Kuhn, T. (2004), Atmospheric Absorption Models for the Millimeter Wave Range, Ph.D. thesis, University of Bremen.
- Verdes, C. (2002), Deriving Atmospheric Temperature and Instrumental Pointing from Millimeter / Sub-Millimeter Limb Sounding Measurements, Berichte aus dem Institut fuer UmweltphysikLogos Verlag Berlin, PhD thesis, University of Bremen, ISBN 3-8325-0120-7.
- Buehler, S. A. (1999), Microwave Limb Sounding of the Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere, Berichte aus der PhysikShaker Verlag GmbH, PhD thesis, University of Bremen, ISBN 3-8265-4745-4, 262 pages.
Technical Reports and Proposals
- Eriksson, P., S. A. Buehler, C. Emde, T. R. Sreerekha, C. Melsheimer, and O. Lemke (2011), ARTS-2 User Guide, ARTS Development Team, regularly updated versions available at
- Eriksson, P., S. A. Buehler, C. Emde, T. R. Sreerekha, C. Melsheimer, and O. Lemke (2011), ARTS-2 Developer Guide, ARTS Development Team, regularly updated versions available at
- Eriksson, P., S. A. Buehler, C. Emde, T. R. Sreerekha, C. Melsheimer, and O. Lemke (2011), ARTS-2 Theory, ARTS Development Team, regularly updated versions available at
- Buehler, S. A. (2005), JEM / SMILES, The Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder on the Japanese Experimental Module of the International Space Station, Schlussbericht, University of Bremen.
- Eriksson, P., S. A. Buehler, C. Emde, T. R. Sreerekha, C. Melsheimer, and O. Lemke (2004), ARTS-1-1 User Guide, University of Bremen, 308 pages, regularly updated versions available at
- Buehler, S. A., P. Eriksson, W. Haas, N. Koulev, T. Kuhn, and O. Lemke (2003), ARTS-1-0 User Guide, University of Bremen, 215 pages, regularly updated versions available at
- Masuko, H., T. Amano, S. A. Buehler, H. Habara, J. Inatani, Y. Kasai, T. Manabe, T. Miura, T. Nagahama, T. Nishibori, S. Ochiai, H. Ozeki, K. Shibasaki, M. Shiotani, T. Shirai, M. Suzuki, C. Takahashi, K. Takahashi, S. Tsujimaru and, and C. Verdes (2002), JEM/SMILES Mission Plan, Version 2.1, NICT / JAXA.
- Amano, T., S. A. Buehler, J. Inatani, Y. Kasai, T. Manabe, H. Masuko, T. Miura, T. Nagahama, T. Nishibori, S. Ochiai, H. Ozeki, K. Shibasaki, M. Shiotani, T. Shirai, M. Suzuki, C. Takahashi, K. Takahashi, S. Tsujimaru and, and C. Verdes (2001), JEM/SMILES Mission Plan, Version 1.0, NASDA / CRL.
Articles in Conference Proceedings and Newsletters
- Emde, C., S. Buehler, and Sreerekha T.R. (2003), Modeling polarized microwave radiation in a 3D spherical cloudy atmosphere, In: Electromagnetic and Light Scattering - Theory and applications VII, Edited by Wriedt, T., Universität Bremen, ISBN 3-88722-579-1.
- Verdes, C., S. A. Buehler, and K. Kuenzi (2003), Derivation of molecular species profiles, atmospheric temperature profile, and instrumental pointing from SMILES instrument, In: SPIE Proceedings, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VII, Edited by Schaefer, K. and O. Lado-Bordowsky, SPIE, ISBN 0-8194-4664-5, doi:10.1117/12.462393.
- Sreerekha, T. R., C. Emde, and S. A. Buehler (2002), Using a new Radiative Transfer Model to estimate the Effect of Cirrus Clouds on AMSU-B Radiances, In: Twelfth International TOVS Study Conference (ITSC - XII), Lorne, Australia.
- Miao, J., S. Buehler, and K. Kunzi (2001), The polarization characteristics of randomly oriented nonspherical ice particles in mm and sub-mm frequency range: Implications to the remote sensing of cirrus clouds using satellite microwave radiometry, In: IGARSS2001, Sydney, Australia.
- Verdes, C. and S. Buehler (2001), Derivation of the Temperature Profile and Pointing Correction from the JEM/SMILES Instrument, In: International Symposium on Sub-Millimeter Wave Earth Observation from Space - III, Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-89722-700-2.
- Sreerekha, T. R. and S. Buehler (2001), The Radiation Field in the Atmosphere for all Propagation Directions, In: International Symposium on Sub-Millimeter Wave Earth Observation from Space - III, Logos Verlag Berlin, ISBN 3-89722-700-2.
- Eriksson, P., S. Buehler, and A. von Engeln (2001), Chapter 6: ARTS A modular public domain radiative transfer program, In: Atmospheric Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Radiative transfer modelling II, pp. 57–112, Edited by Eriksson, P. and S. Buehler, Logos Verlag.
- Buehler, S. A. and B.-M. Sinnhuber (1999), Instrumental Requirements for a Submillimeter-Wave Limb Sounder, In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Submillimeter-wave Observation of Earth's Atmosphere from Space, pp. 209–220, National Space Development Agency of Japan.
- Kuhn, T., S. A. Buehler, A. von Engeln, P. Eriksson, C. L. Verdes, and K. Kunzi (1999), Superconducting Sub-millimeter Wave Limb Emission Sounder SMILES, In: International Ozone Symposium, Basel (Switzerland).
- Buehler, S. A., A. von Engeln, and K. Kuenzi (1996), Retrieval of atmospheric mixing ratio profiles from mm/sub-mm limb sounder data: Accuracy requirements on line broadening parameters, In: Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications, Reims 96, workshop proceedings, pp. 155–158.
- Buehler, S. A., V. Eyring, T. Wehr, and K. Kuenzi (1996), Limits imposed on millimeter and sub-millimeter wave limb sounders by continuum emissions, In: Proceedings of the XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, pp. 883–886, Edited by Bojkov, Rumen D. and Guido Visconti, International Ozone Commission.
Internal Reports
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