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Anderson, C. M. and R. E. Samuelson (2011), Titan's aerosol and stratospheric ice opacities between 18 and 500 μm: vertical and spectral characteristics from Cassini CIRS, Icarus, 212, 762–778, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.01.024.
Fulchignoni, M., F. Ferri, F. Angrilli, A. J. Ball, A. Bar-Nun, M. A. Barucci, C. Bettanini, G. Bianchini, W. Borucki, G. Colombatti, M. Coradini, A. Coustenis, S. Debei, P. Falkner, G. Fanti, E. Flamini, V. Gaborit, R. Grard, M. Hamelin, A. M. Harri, B. Hathi, I. Jernej, M. R. Leese, A. Lehto, P. F. Lion Stoppato, J. J. López-Moreno, T. Mäkinen, J. A. M. McDonnell, C. P. McKay, G. Molina-Cuberos, F. M. Neubauer, V. Pirronello, R. Rodrigo, B. Saggin, K. Schwingenschuh, A. Seiff, F. Simõnes, H. Svedhem, T. Tokano, M. C. Towner, R. Trautner, P. Withers, and J. C. Zarnecki (2005), In situ measurements of the physical characteristics of Titan's environment, Nature, 438(7069), 785–791, doi:10.1038/nature04314.
Mitchell, J. L., R. T. Pierrehumbert, D. M. W. Frierson, and R. Caballero (2006), The Dynamics behind Titan's Methane Clouds, Proc. Nat. Aca. Sci., 103(49), 18421–18426, doi:10.1073/pnas.0605074103.
Schaller, E. L., M. E. Brown, H. G. Roe, A. H. Bouchez, and C. A. Trujillo (2006), Dissipation of Titan's south polar clouds, Icarus, 184, 517–523, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.05.025.
Schaller, E. L., M. E. Brown, H. G. Roe, and A. H. Bouchez (2006), A large cloud outburst at Titan's south pole, Icarus, 182, 224–229, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.12.021.
Stofan, E. R., C. Elachi, J. I. Lunine, R. D. Lorenz, B. Stiles, K. L. Mitchell, S. Ostro, L. Soderblom, C. Wood, H. Zebker, S. Wall, M. Janssen, R. Kirk, R. Lopes, F. Paganelli, J. Radebaugh, L. Wye, Y. Anderson, M. Allison, R. Boehmer, P. Callahan, P. Encrenaz, E. Flamini, G. Francescetti, Y. Gim, G. Hamilton, S. Hensley, W. T. K. Johnson, K. Kelleher, D. Muhleman, P. Paillou, G. Picardi, F. Posa, L. Roth, R. Seu, S. Shaffer, S. Vetrella, and R. West (2007), The lakes of Titan, Nature, 445(7123), 61–64, doi:10.1038/nature05438.
Vuitton, V., R. V. Yelle, and P. Lavvas (2009), Compostion and chemistry of Titan's thermosphere and ionosphere, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 367(1889), 729–741, doi:10.1098/rsta.2008.0233.