Minutes of the sixth International Radiative Transfer Workshop,
June 2004
Whole Week
BREDBECK 2004 Minutes
Wednesday, 23/06/04
Group Work summary
SSP Interface (Rekha)
* PyArts will do averaging from DDA and puts the data into the database
* PyArts module to export data from the database to arts
Limb sounder group(Carmen)
* input for limb sounding instruments - odin, smiles, mls
* discussed instrumental characteristics, vertical and horizontal
resolution, orbits
* frequency optimization
SE - information about working groups at EUMETSAT of IASI for nadir
Sensor polarization (Mattias)
* surface reflection and polarization
- Christian to finish section on polarization in AUG
- check the angle dependence of rotating mirror for AMSU-B
SE - (90 - scan angle)
SE - from vertical to horizontal as you go from nadir to limb
* sensor demonstration
* reconsider mixer part - dual mixers
* put example control files in ARTS package
SB - follow the convention in ARTS for example files (.arts.in)
PE - a documentation for the example files in AUG.
Retrieval algorithms (Adrian)
* discussion on different retrieval approaches
- Patrick showed Bayesian approach
- peter brought forward stochastic approach
- levenber-marquardt and other methods were discussed
- Regularization methods also were discussed
Matlab group (Oliver)
* ATOVS part - reading routines in Matlab are much slower
- conclusion - compiler has to be checked
ME, OL, CJ - discussion on Matlab compilation
CE - implementing GMT in atmlab
OL - It is already decided to use GMT for AMSULAB
Polarization (Claas)
* discussed claas's results
- 2 main sources
- negative Q, the main source is coming from below
- positive Q, polarization coming from sides
- An orientation distribution will give the same effect as using a
horizontal particle with a different aspect ratio
CM - justification - randomly oriented particle is similar to
spherical particle
Size distribution (Bengt)
* particle size distribution in cirrus clouds
- cory has used heymsfields distributions on
- further look is to look at effect of this different distributions
on radiative properties
- using ARTS to study this
* can give an estimate on the retrieval error
UTH retrieval (Carlos)
* AMSU data to derive a long range UTH climatology
* 3 different approaches in Chalmers and Bremen
- simple linear regression with 1 amsu-b channel, 5-9%
- complicated NN regression with amsu-a and, 7.5%
- multi physical regression with amsu-a and amsu-b, 3-8%
* 3 approaches use different definitions for UTH
- weighted UTH, mean UTH, mean UTH resp.
* different data - ECMWF, radiosonde, ECMWF resp.
* issues
- which training dataset is better?
- why present regressions seems to over-estimate low UTH values
and under-estimate high UTH values
* future
- 3 articles on all methods
- testing all regression to evaluate relative performance using ECMWF data
- AMSU synthetic database including more realistic - clouds, ground
PE - Peter's work of retrieval of isolines also could be added
SE - why not using Bayesian algorithm, regression will carry on the
errors in the training data set to the retrieval
CJ - speed is an issue
SB - climate studies, basically we want to look at radiances
-how sensitive is the radiance to upper troposphere humidity
SE - This would bring the same biases in the ECMWF to the retrieval
A long discussion on this followed.
GMT plots (Oliver)
- Nice map plots
- GMT is free
Whole Week