Minutes of the sixth International Radiative Transfer Workshop, June 2004

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week  
BREDBECK  2004  Minutes

Monday, 21/06/04


AD: Adrian Doicu
AH: Arash Houshangpour
BR: Bengt Rydberg
CD: Cory Davis
CE: Claudia Emde
CJ: Carlos Jimenez
CM: Christian Melsheimer
CT: Claas Teichmann
CV: Carmen Verdes
EB: Emmanuel Brocard
FS: Franz Schreier
GH: Gang Hong
JM: Jana Mendrok
ME: Mattias Ekström
MK: Mashrab Kuvatov
MM: Mario Mech
NC: Nathalie Courcoux
NM: Nizy Mathew
OL: Oliver Lemke
PE: Patrick Eriksson
PM: Peter A. T. Mills
SB: Stefan Buehler
SE: Stephen English
SK: Susanne Korn
SR: Sreerekha Ravi
TK: Thomas Kuhn
UK: Una O'Keeffe
UL: Ulrich Löhnert
VJ: Viju Oommen John

Peter Mills  Retrieval of water vapor isolines

* Motivation
* contour advection
* how to retrieve isolines 
   - classification problem
* estimation of probability density function
* classification data - AMSU-B data
* training data - ECMWF
* RT model - ARTS
* Result - Contours are well retrieved - Confidence level worse where
  gradient is high
* Error sources - Surface emissivity, collocation errors, 
           cloud contamination, measurement errors
* Simulations with collocated radiosonde profiles

Discussion: Gaussian PDF is an assumption
   Scheme works best around water vapor line
   Scheme similar to Carlos Monte Carlo Scheme ?

Arash Houshangpour: UTWV / UTH retrieval from AMSU radiances

* Importance of UTWV and UTH
* Methodology - channel 18 and channel 19 are used
* Relationship between radiance and UTWV
* Retrieval of temperature parameters using AMSU-A 6 and 7
* Transformation of TB
* Determination of Model parameters on a Global Scale
  - ECMWF dataset, ARTS simulations
* Fit parameters (Exponential Fit) for UTWV
* UTH retrieval

Discussion: Use of Channel 20

Adrian Doicu: Iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method for
              atmospheric inverse problems 

* alternative approaches to OEM
* Criteria for selection of appropriate regularization method
* OEM: fully stochastic approach
* alternative: semi-stochastic approach
* Criterium 1: Tikhonov Regularization (not efficient)
    Iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton Method
* Criterium 2: Iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton Method with simple bounds
* Criterium 3: Multi-parameter regularization method
* Criterium 4: Error analysis

BREDBECK  2004  Minutes

Tuesday, 22/06/04

9:30--10:00 Presentation for Cory Davis
Modeling the effect of Cirrus on Microwave Limb sounder radiance
* introduction on EOS/MLS
* influence of the clouds on MLS measurements
* example of the simulation
* performance of the Monte Carlo method
  - error and CPU time depend on the ice path
  - randomly oriented particles are simpler to deal than the oriented particles 
* summary
AD: For the scattering properties: Do you use the Mischenko program?
CD: Mischenko constructed program. This is used only for the size
PE: The shape does not matter so much
CM: Do you use Monte Carlo to have single scattering

10:15 -- Franz Schreier
* Spectral Grid Optimization Scheme for line-by-line cross section
* Definition for the cross section
* presentation of the algorithm: sample line center in a fine grid
* and coarser in the wings 
* use a function decomposition: smooth + rapid contribution
* Clough and Kneizys approach
* Uchiyama approach
* Performance of the 2 and 3 grid algorithm.
* examples of different schemes (for CO2)
* new scheme is much faster (scale of 10)
* Sparks scheme: performance (JQSRT 97)
* Conclusions: speed up of about a factor of 300
* Independent of the line shape
* Fair intercomparison with Sparks algorithm
SB: why the value of the cut off does not have influence on speed.
FS: the coarse grid is much larger then the fine one.   
SB: How do you subtract the line center?

11:15-- Claudia Emde
Cloud contaminated mm-wave spectra using ARTS-1-1
* scattering model: presentation of the algorithm
* cloud-box definition
* discretisation of radiation field
* problems arisen: 
* sequential updated of the grid is required
* zenith angle grid optimization: more points around 90 deg (specially for
  limb sounder)
* presentation of the test cases setup
* 3D simulations-LOS: presentation of the results for different position of
  the sensor.
* difference of the 3D vs 1D. The results given by 1D are totally different.
* 3D model is strictly necessary.
A.D: Picard iteration to solve the radiative transfer equations
    Which are the boundary condition?
CE: compute the incoming radiation from all direction
PE: use one frequency and then use it as starting point
AD: Initial point important to reduce the number of iterations
CE: the first guess is not used for many points
AD, SB, PE,...: discussion on the boundary conditions and the way of

11:50-- Claas Teichmann
Single scattering properties
* Definitions and set-up
* Example of the polarization difference field
* example of the effect of the gas absorption and scattering properties:
  changes only due to the gas absorption (for spherical particles)
* results similar for the cylindrical particles
* consistence check
* exemplification for the LOS inside the cloud
* more deformation at higher or lower aspect ratios
* strong differences in the signal for p20 and p30.
* for 500 GHz it does not work well (investigate)
* Summary and outlook

CM: What do you mean by sing scat. prop. change? Why does it depend on the
    gas absorption?
CT: discuss in the working group
CD: problem at 500GHz. Does it change with the aspect ratio?
CT: no, it is bad for all the aspect ratio.
CD: Ideas about what's going wrong?
CT: numerical problems..
CE: the idea is to calculate with Monte Carlo method and see if it is also
    a problem
PE: normalization problem?
SB:  advertising on the polarization working group
CM: Deformation ratio: how did you define it?
SB: publication from Georg Heygster on the single scattering properties

12:30: P.E., C.E., organization for the working group

BREDBECK  2004  Minutes

Wednesday, 23/06/04

Group Work summary 

SSP Interface (Rekha)

* PyArts will do averaging from DDA and puts the data into the database
* PyArts module to export data from the database to arts

Limb sounder group(Carmen)

* input for limb sounding instruments - odin, smiles, mls
* discussed instrumental characteristics, vertical and horizontal
   resolution, orbits
* frequency optimization
SE - information about working groups at EUMETSAT of IASI for nadir

Sensor polarization (Mattias)

* surface reflection and polarization
  - Christian to finish section on polarization in AUG
  - check the angle dependence of rotating mirror for AMSU-B
SE - (90 - scan angle)
SE - from vertical to horizontal as you go from nadir to limb
* sensor demonstration
* reconsider mixer part - dual mixers
* put example control files in ARTS package
SB - follow the convention in ARTS for example files (.arts.in)
PE - a documentation for the example files in AUG.

Retrieval algorithms (Adrian)

* discussion on different retrieval approaches
  - Patrick showed Bayesian approach
  - peter brought forward stochastic approach
  - levenber-marquardt and other methods were discussed
  - Regularization methods also were discussed

Matlab group (Oliver)

* ATOVS part - reading routines in Matlab are much slower
  - conclusion - compiler has to be checked
ME, OL, CJ -  discussion on Matlab compilation
CE - implementing GMT in atmlab
OL - It is already decided to use GMT for AMSULAB

Polarization (Claas)

* discussed claas's results
  - 2 main sources 
  - negative Q, the main source is coming from below
  - positive Q, polarization coming from sides
  - An orientation distribution will give the same effect as using a
    horizontal particle with a different aspect ratio
CM - justification - randomly oriented particle is similar to 
  spherical particle

Size distribution (Bengt)

* particle size distribution in cirrus clouds
  - cory has used heymsfields distributions on
  - further look is to look at effect of this different distributions
     on radiative properties
  - using ARTS to study this
* can give an estimate on the retrieval error

UTH retrieval (Carlos)

* AMSU data to derive a long range UTH climatology 
* 3 different approaches in Chalmers and Bremen
  - simple linear regression with 1 amsu-b channel, 5-9%
  - complicated NN regression with amsu-a and, 7.5%
  - multi physical regression with amsu-a and amsu-b, 3-8%
* 3 approaches use different definitions for UTH
  - weighted UTH, mean UTH, mean UTH resp.
* different data - ECMWF, radiosonde, ECMWF resp.
* issues 
  - which training dataset is better?
  - why present regressions seems to over-estimate low UTH values
    and under-estimate high UTH values
* future 
  - 3 articles on all methods 
  - testing all regression to evaluate relative performance using ECMWF data
  - AMSU synthetic database including more realistic - clouds, ground
PE -  Peter's work of retrieval of isolines also could be added
SE - why not using Bayesian algorithm, regression will carry on the
     errors in the training data set to the retrieval
CJ - speed is an issue 
SB - climate studies, basically we want to look at radiances 
   -how sensitive is the radiance to upper troposphere humidity 
SE - This would bring the same biases in the ECMWF to the retrieval
A long discussion on this followed.

GMT plots (Oliver)

- Nice map plots
- GMT is free
BREDBECK  2004  Minutes

Thursday, 24/06/04

Group Work summary 

Surface emissivity group (Steve)

* current status in arts
  - general solution for full stokes hemispherical integration 
    including separate handling of emission and reflection
  - no physics for any actual surfaces
* what is available
  - FASTEM2 in RTTOV7 - calculates v,h given wind speed and skin temp
    for ocean.
  - land model is purely empirical, atlases(C. Pringent, t. Hewison)
  - FASTEM3 in RTTOV8 - added a correction to emission term for 
    azimuthal variations for all azimuthal variations (Poe.G via
  - f.weng - NOAA snow + sea ice emissivity model
  - IOMASA snow + sea ice emissivity model
  - c.matzler - snow emissivity - complicated

* recommendations
  - high priority
    - incorporate FASTEM3 from RTTOV8 ocean only.
    - this is easy-  land code less valuable
    - adapt arts input interface to accept wind vector and skin temp.
    - retain direct input of pre-calculated emissivity.  
    - add no other surface variables yet
  - medium priority
    - consider replacing FASTEM3 with full GO model exploiting 
      general solution already in ARTS
    - info from AAPP or other sources to pre-calculate emissivity
  - low priority
    - when schemes for land, ice, snow emissivity mature and simplify 
       - incorporate in arts
    - also take care of different definitions of stokes vector 
       - look at windsat data

Research ideas (Cory)

* writing papers looking at science issues
* looking at cloud micro physics 
* real ice water content field
* find a cloud field scenario 
* comparison of RT models - MC and DOIT
* discussed Claas' problem at 500 GHz
 - cory will do it for MC
 - problem with scattering integral for 1D DOIT method for higher stokes component.
SB - something to look into in at Bremen
SB - any ideas for the 3D scenario?
CD - output from RT study, TRMM (last slide of cory's presentation)
SB - good thing to look at RAL scenario explained in UTLS study

RTTOV-ARTS comparison (Una)

* clear sky results - quite good agreement
* rttovscatt doesn't simulate lowest TB's
*  ARTS vs obs good(re = 100 um)
* micro physics - step back from RT - agree on suitable size distr  param
   - set distr. by max crystal size rather than mean crystal size
* surface emissivity
* 3 way model intercomparison
 - to involve al gasievsky's model   

General RTM (Franz)

* discussed parameterization of RT models

PyARTS group (Cory)

* short presentation of what PyARTS can do
* grid optimization - patrick's numerical method was discussed
  - one has to derive the optimized grid from a set of different scenarios
  - scattering integral calculation- improvement using gauss-legendre method
SB - isn't that difficult?
CD - if the function can be represented by a polynomial, you can get accu
rate results
SB - if the phase matrix is peaked, one has to be careful
CD - trapezoidal integration is not sufficient

AMSU working group (Nathalie)

* ozone line problem
 - influence?
 - 10 years ago, metoffice did some calculation and found negligible
 - about 0.3 K difference was found during some recent calculation at Bremen
 - some calculations will be done again including stratospheric and
   excluding and then comparing.
AI - send the fascod profiles to Steve to perform similar calculation
* scan angle dependence on AMSU-B
 - amsu-a biases are not symmetric and can be found from NCEP
 - amsu-b biases are symmetric
 - steve can also give info on values regarding biases
*NOAA 15 and 16 BT diff
 - a 1K difference was found in the calculation at Bremen
AI - to compare NOAA 15 and NOAA 17
* side bands
  - rectangular pass band for ARTS and RTTOVB
  - diff are negligible with Gaussian passbands
* ARTS - RTTOV comparison
  - differences are larger than the mean difference at some places
AI - checks whether the profiles are within RTTOV limits
AI - check temp profiles - strong inversion
AI - extract those profiles and perform with a fine grid using ARTS
* AMSU -B channel 18

AUG group (Patrick)

* overview of documentation structure
* control file examples - AI to remove old files and update them 
  with working new ones
* details by command line help
* code documented by doxygen and code comments
* no link between arts-xml-data and arts1-1
  - arts-xml-data only for internal usage
* went through the AUG
  - no obsolete text and FIXME
* doxygen doc- highly appreciated
  - command line description of WSMs will be put into doxygen

Future plans

SE - surface data from some low-frequency instruments
SB - lower frequencies were not the priority
   - in the framework of the new instruments, sub-mm frequency are preferred
SE - but one can test the model for low frequencies
PE - single scattering properties - IR?
   - is the database by Bonn going to be general? to be useful for IR.
CD - it is intended to be more general for any RT calculation
SB - use mailing lists with suggestions
   - Adrian for ex. can communicate about his single scattering code.
CM - working group summaries, presentations on the web page
Everyone agreed
SB - if somebody need papers that were discussed, can be obtained. 
CM - Dietrich's paper on intercomparison on JPL and HITRAN.

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week