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Group references

In the Pipeline


      2014 Back to top

    1. Rüfenacht, R., A. Murk, N. Kämpfer, P. Eriksson, and S. A. Buehler (2014), Middle-atmospheric zonal and meridional wind profiles from polar, tropical and midlatitudes with the ground-based microwave Doppler wind radiometer WIRAAtmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4491–4505, doi:10.5194/amt-7-4491-2014.

    Books and Book Contributions


        Technical Reports and Proposals

          Articles in Conference Proceedings and Newsletters

            Internal Reports

              External references

              1. Baron, P., D. P. Murtagh, J. Urban, H. Sagawa, S. Ochiai, Y. Kasai, K. Kikuchi, F. Khosrawi, H. Körnich, S. Mizobuchi, K. Sagi, and M. Yasui (2013), Observation of horizontal winds in the middle-atmosphere between 30° S and 55° N during the northern winter 2009?2010Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13(12), 6049–6064, doi:10.5194/acp-13-6049-2013.
              2. Koh, T.-Y., Y. S. Djamil, and C.-K. Teo (2011), Statistical dynamics of tropical wind in radiosonde dataAtmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 4177–4189, doi:10.5194/acp-11-4177-2011.
              3. Lopez-Valverde, M. A., L. Montabone, M. Sornig, and G. Sonnabend (2016), On the Retrieval of Mesospheric Winds on Mars and Venus from Ground-based Observations at 10 μmAstrophys. J., 816(2), 103, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/816/2/103.
              4. Rüfenacht, R., N. Kämpfer, and A. Murk (2012), First middle-atmospheric zonal wind profile measurements with a new ground-based microwave Doppler-spectro-radiometerAtmos. Meas. Tech., 5(11), 2647–2659, doi:10.5194/amt-5-2647-2012.
              5. Seiz, G., S. Tjemkes, and P. Watts (2007), Multiview Cloud-Top Height and Wind Retrieval with Photogrammetric Methods: Application to Meteosat-8 HRV ObservationsJ. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 46(5), 1182–1195, doi:10.1175/JAM2532.1.
              6. Thies, B. and J. Bendix (2011), Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectivesMet. Appl., 18, 262–295, doi:10.1002/met.288.