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Filtered by keyword:ismar

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  1. Fox, S., C. Lee, I. Rule, R. King, S. Rogers, C. Harlow, and A. Baran (2014), ISMAR: A new Submillimeter Airborne Radiometer, In: 2014 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad), Proceedings, pp. 128–132, doi:10.1109/MicroRad.2014.6878923.
  2. Fox, S., C. Lee, B. Moyna, M. Philipp, I. Rule, S. Rogers, R. King, M. Oldfield, S. Rea, M. Henry, H. Wang, and R. C. Harlow (2017), ISMAR: an airborne submillimetre radiometerAtmos. Meas. Tech., 10(2), 477–490, doi:10.5194/amt-10-477-2017.
  3. RAL Space (2013), Cloud and Precipitation Airborne Radiometer – RECEIVER TEST & CHARACTERISATION REPORT, RAL Space.