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                External references

                1. Feldman, D. R., T. S. L'Ecuyer amd K. N. Liou, and Y. L. Yung (2008), Remote sensing of tropical tropopause layer radiation balance using A-train measurementsJ. Geophys. Res., 113, D21113, doi:10.1029/2008JD010158.
                2. Holz, R. E., S. A. Ackerman, F. W. Nagle, R. Frey, S. Dutcher, R. E. Kuehn, M. A. Vaughan, and B. Baum (2008), Global Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud detection and height evaluation using CALIOPJ. Geophys. Res., 113, D00A19, doi:10.1029/2008JD009837.
                3. Imaoka, K., M. Kachi, A. Shibata, M. Kasahara, Y. Iida, Y. Tange, K. Nakagawa, and H. Shimoda (2007), Five years of AMSR-E monitoring and successive GCOM-W1/AMSR2 instrument, In: Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XIII, SPIE, doi:10.1117/12.740366.
                4. Jiang, J. H., H. Su, C. Zhai, V. S. Perun, A. Del Genio, L. S. Nazarenko, L. J. Donner, L. Horowitz, C. Seman, J. Cole, A. Gettelman, M. A. Ringer, L. Rotstayn, S. Jeffrey, T. Wu, F. Brient, J.-L. Dufresne, H. Kawai, T. Koshiro, M. Watanabe, T. S. L'Ecuyer, E. M. Volodin, T. Iversen, H. Drange, M. D. S. Mesquita, W. G. Read, J. W. Waters, B. Tian, J. Teixeira, and G. L. Stephens (2012), Evaluation of cloud and water vapor simulations in CMIP5 climate models using NASA "A-Train" satellite observationsJ. Geophys. Res., 117, D14105, doi:10.1029/2011JD017237.
                5. L'Ecuyer, T. S., G. L. Stevens, and R. T. Austin (2004), Mapping clouds and precipitation with CloudSat and the afternoon A-Train, In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Radar Meteorology and COST-717 Final Seminar, Visby, Sweden, September 6-10, 2004, pp. 144–149.
                6. L'Ecuyer, T. S. and J. H. Jiang (2010), Touring the atmosphere aboard the A-TrainPhys. Today, 63(7), 36–41.
                7. Mace, G. G. (2009), Cloud properties and radiative forcing over the maritime storm tracks of the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic derived from A-TrainJ. Geophys. Res., 115, D10201, doi:10.1029/2009JD012517.
                8. Shephard, M. W., R. L. Herman, B. M. Fisher, K. E. Cady-Pereira, S. A. Clough, V. H. Payne, D. N. Whiteman, J. P. Comer, H. Vömel, L. M. Miloshevich, R. Forno, M. Adam, G. B. Osterman, A. Eldering, J. R. Worden, L. R. Brown, H. M. Worden, S. S. Kulawik, D. M. Rider, A. Goldman, R. Beer, K. W. Bowman, C. D. Rodgers, M. Luo, C. P. Rinsland, M. Lampel, and M. R. Gunson (2008), Comparison of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer nadir water vapor retrievals with in situ measurementsJ. Geophys. Res., 113(D15), doi:10.1029/2007JD008822.
                9. Tanelli, S., S. L. Durden, E. Im, K. S. Pak, D. G. Reinke, P. Partain, J. M. Haynes, and R. T. Marchand (2008), CloudSat's Cloud Profiling Radar after Two Years in Orbit: Performance, Calibration, and ProcessingIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 46(11), 3560–3573.
                10. Winker, D. M., M. A. Vaughan, A. Omar, Y. Hu, K. A. Powell, Z. Liu, W. H. Hunt, and S. A. Young (2009), Overview of the CALIPSO Mission and CALIOP Data Processing AlgorithmsJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26, 2310–2323, doi:10.1175/2009JTECHA1281.1.