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Group references

In the Pipeline


      2013 Back to top

    1. Wetzel, G., H. Oelhaf, G. Berthet, A. Bracher, C. Cornacchia, D. G. Feist, H. Fischer, A. Fix, M. Iarlori, A. Kleinert, A. Lengel, M. Milz, L. Mona, S. C. Müller, J. Ovarlez, G. Pappalardo, C. Piccolo, P. Raspollini, J.-B. Renard, V. Rizi, S. Rohs, C. Schiller, G. Stiller, M. Weber, and G. Zhang (2013), Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT H2O operational data collected between July 2002 and March 2004Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5791–5811, doi:10.5194/acp-13-5791-2013.

    Books and Book Contributions


        Technical Reports and Proposals

          Articles in Conference Proceedings and Newsletters

            Internal Reports

              External references

              1. Sherwood, S. (2015), The Sun and the rainNature, 528(7581), 200–201, doi:10.1038/528200a.
              2. Solomon, S., K. H. Rosenlof, R. W. Portman, J. S. Daniel, S. M. Davis, T. J. Sanford, and G. Plattner (2010), Contributions of Stratospheric Water Vapor to Decadal Changes in the Rate of Global WarmingScience, 327, 1219–1223, doi:10.1126/science.1182488.
              3. Tobin, I., S. Bony, and R. Roca (2012), Observational Evidence for Relationships between the Degree of Aggregation of Deep Convection, Water Vapor, Surface Fluxes, and RadiationJ. Climate, 25(20), 6885–6904, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00258.1.
              4. Voigt, A. and T. A. Shaw (2015), Circulation response to warming shaped by radiative changes of clouds and water vapourNature Geosci., 8(2), 102–106, doi:10.1038/ngeo2345.
              5. Williamson, E. J. and J. T. Houghton (1965), Radiometric measurements of emission from stratospheric water vapourQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 91(389), 330–338, doi:10.1002/qj.49709138907.