| a-train | abs lookup | absorption | aerosols | aggregation | airs | albedo | algorithm | amsu | annual cycle | anomalies | aqua | ar4 | ar5 | arctic | arm | arts | arts-dev | asr | assimilation | astrophysics | atmosphere | atmospheric composition | atmospheric dynamics | atmospheric profiles | atsr-2 | avhrr | backscattering | basics | bayes | book | calculation | calculations | calibration | calipso | ccn | cdr | ceres | cfmip | chemistry | cia | ciraclim | cirrus | cirrus anvil sublimation | cirrus cloud | cirrus clouds | cirrusstudy | ciwsir/cloudice | claus | climate | climate change | climate dynamics | climate feedbacks | climate sensitivity | climate sensivity | climate variability | climatology | cloud feedback | cloud forcing | cloud fraction | cloud ice | cloud properties | cloud radiative effects | cloud radiative forcing | cloud regimes | clouds | cloudsat | cmip3 | cmip5 | cmip6 | cmsaf | co2 | collocation | comparison | computer science | continua | contrail | 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ocean | ocean reflection | ocean-atmosphere interactions | odin | olr | one-moment scheme | open loop | optical | optical depth | optical properties | optics | orbital drift | orbits | ozone | pacific ocean | particle orientation | particle shape | particle size | particle size distribution | patmos-x | phase function | phd thesis | polarimetry | polarization | polder | potss | precipitation | profile datasets | programming | projection | promet | propagation modeling | python | radar | radiation | radiation profiles | radiative convective equilibrium | radiative equilibrium | radiative feedback | radiative fluxes | radiative forcing | radiative processes | radiative transfer | radiative-convective equilibrium | radiative-equilibrium | radio occultation | radiometers | radiosonde | radiosonde cloud liquid | radiosonde correction | rain | reanalysis | refractive index | relative humidity | remote sensing | retrieval | review | rodgers | rttov | sahara | sahel | sampling | sand/dust | sar | satellite | satellite missions | satellite observations | satellite simulator | sbuehler_habil | scattering | scattering databases | scintillations | scout-amma | self-aggregation | sensor geometry | seviri | shallow convection | simulated annealing | single scattering | smiles | sno | snow | snowfall | software | soil | solar | soot | sounders | spectral information | spectroscopy | split window technique | ssm/i | ssm/t | ssmis | ssmt2 | stability | statistics | ste | stereo | stratosphere | submillimeter | submm | sun | supersaturation | surface | synergies | task2 | tempera | temperature | terra | thermodynamics | time series | titan | toa radiation | top of the atmosphere | total column | tovs | trade-wind clouds | trajectory analysis | trend | trmm | tropical circulation | tropical convection | tropical meteorology | tropics | tropopause | troposphere | ttl | turbulence | tutorial | two-moment scheme | upper troposphere | uth | utls | validation | vater vapor | venus | 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  1. d' Agostini, G. (1995), Probability and Measurement Uncertainty in Physics — a Bayesian Primer, Universita "La Sapienza" and INFN.
  2. d' Agostini, G. (1996), A Theory of Measurement Uncertainty Based on Conditional Probability, Dip. di Fisca, Universita "La Sapienza" and INFN.
  3. d' Agostini, G. (1998), Bayesian Reasoning versus Conventional Statistics in High Energy Physics, Dipartimento di Fisca dell'Universita "La Sapienza".
  4. d' Agostini, G. (1998), Jeffreys Priors versus Experienced Physicist Priors Arguments against Objective Bayesian Theory, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" and INFN.
  5. d' Agostini, G. (1999), Overcoming priors anxiety, Dipartimento di Fisca dell'Universita "La Sapienza" and Istituto Nazionale di Fisics Nucleare INFN.
  6. Anderberg, M. R. (ed.) (1973), Cluster Analysis for Applications (Probability & Mathematical Statistics Monograph), Academic Press, ISBN 0-120-57650-3.
  7. Benestad, R. E. (2008), A Simple Test for Changes in Statistical DistributionsEos, 89(41).
  8. Clarmann, T. von, G. Stiller, U. Grabowski, E. Eckert, and J. Orphal (2010), Technical Note: Trend estimation from irregularly sampled, correlated dataAtmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6737–6747, doi:10.5194/acp-10-6737-2010.
  9. de Elia, R. and E. Laprise (2005), The Unbearable Lightness of ProbabilitiesBull. Amer. Met. Soc., 1224–1225, doi:10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1224.
  10. Evans, K. F. and W. J. Wiscombe (2004), An algorithm for generating stochastic cloud fields from radar profile statisticsAtmos. Res., 72, 263–289.
  11. Feldman, G. J. and R. D. Cousins (1997), A Unified Approach to the Classical Statistical Analysis of Small Signals, Havard University, University of California.
  12. Freund, J. E. and G. A. Simon (xxxx), Modern Elementary Statistics, chap. 15: Regression, Prentice-Hall International.
  13. Guinti, C. (1998), A new ordering principle for the classical statistical analysis of Poisson processes with background, INFN, Universita di Torino.
  14. Helberg, C. (xxxx), Pitfalls of Data Analysis (or How to Avoid Lies and Damned Lies), University of Wisconsin Schools of Nursing and Medicine.
  15. James, F. (1972), Function Minimization, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Cern, Geneva, Switzerland.
  16. James, F. (1980), Monte Carlo theory and practiceRep. Prog. Phys., 43, 1145–1189.
  17. Jaynes, E. T. and G. L. Bretthorst (2003), Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, Cambridge University Press.
  18. Krystek, M. and M. Anton (2007), A weighted total least-squares algorithm for fitting a straight lineMeas. Sci. Technol., 18(11), 3484–3442, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/18/11/025.
  19. Lanzante, J. R. (1996), Resistant, Robust and Non-Parametric Techniques for the Analysis of Climate Data: Theory and Examples, including Applications to Historical Radiosonde Station DataInt. J. Climatol., 16, 1197–1226.
  20. Larsen, R. J. and M. L. Marx (1990), Statistics, chap. 12: Regression-Correlation Data, Prentice-Hall International.
  21. McQuarrie, B. R., T. A. Osborn, and G. C. Tabisz (1998), Semiclassical Moyal quantum mechanics for atmonic systemsPhys. Rev., 58(4), 2944–2961.
  22. O'Carroll, A. G., J. R. Eyre, and R. W. Saunders (2008), Three-Way Error Analysis between AATSR, AMSR-E, and In Situ Sea Surface Temperature ObservationsJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25(7), 1197–1207, doi:10.1175/2007JTECHO542.1.
  23. Rienzner, M. and C. Gandolfi (2011), A composite statistical method for the detection of multiple undocumented abrupt changes in the mean value within a time seriesInt. J. Climatol., 31(5), 742–755, doi:10.1002/joc.2113.
  24. Santer, B. D., T. M. L. Wigley, J. S. Boyle, D. J. Gaffen, J. J. Hnilo, D. Nychka, D. E. Parker, and K. E. Taylor (2000), Statistical significance of trends and trend differences in layer-average atmospheric temperature time seriesJ. Geophys. Res., 105(D6), 7337–7356, doi:10.1029/1999JD901105.
  25. Silverman, D. (1998), Joint Bayesian Treatment of Poission and Gaussian Experiments in a Chi-squared Statistic, University of California.
  26. Swain, J. and L. Taylor (1997), Numerical Construction of Likelihood Distributions and the Propagation of Errors, Northeastern University, Boston, Department of Physics.
  27. Termonia, P. (2001), On the removal of random variables in data sets of meteorological observationsMet. Atm. Phys., 78, 143–156.
  28. Toohey, M. and T. von Clarmann (2013), Climatologies from satellite measurements: the impact of orbital sampling on the standard error of the meanAtmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 937–948, doi:10.5194/amt-6-937-2013.
  29. von Storch, H. and F. W. Zwiers (1999), Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-01230-9.
  30. Weatherhead, E. C., G. C. Reinsel, G. C. Tiao, X.-L. Meng, D. Choi, W.-K. Cheang, T. Keller, J. DeLuisi, D. J. Wuebbles, J. B. Kerr, A. J. Miller, S. J. Oltmans, and J. E. Frederick (1998), Factors affecting the detection of trends: Statistical considerations and applications to environmental dataJ. Geophys. Res., 103(D14), 17149–17161, doi:10.1029/98JD00995.
  31. York, D., N. M. Evensen, M. López Martínez, and J. De Basabe Delgado (2003), Unified equations for the slope, intercept, and standard errors of the best straight lineAm. J. Phys., 72(3), 367–375, doi:10.1119/1.1632486.
  32. Zhao, G. and L. D. Girolamo (2007), Statistics on the macrophysical properties of trade wind cumuli over the tropical western AtlanticJ. Geophys. Res., 112(D10), D1024, doi:10.1029/2006JD007371.