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cloud radiative forcing | cloud regimes | cloud top pressure | cloudice mission | clouds | cloudsat | clustering | cmip3 | cmip5 | cmip6 | cmsaf | co2 | collocation | collocations | comparison | computer science | continua | contrail | convection | convective clouds | convective processes | convective self-aggregation | correlated k | cosmic background | cosmic rays | cosp | cost 723 qjrms | cross-calibration | cth | cumulus | dardar | data assimilation | data bases | dda | deep convection | delta m | dimer | disort | diurnal cycle | dlr-smiles | dmsp | documentation | doppler | droplet size | dynamics | earth | earthcare | ec earth | echam | ecmwf | effective radius | electromagnetism | electron content | elevation | elevation satellite-2 | emd | emde | emissivity | enso | eof-pca-svd | erbe | error assessment | ers | eruption | esa planetary | exoplanets | extraterrestrial | fall speed | far-infrared | faraday-voigt | fcdr | feedback | feedbacks | fingerprinting | flux uav | forcing | forest fire | fox19_airborne_amt.pdf | friend | fun | fuzzy inference system | fuzzy logic | gcm | genesis | geostationary | gerrit_erca | global warming | gnss | goes | gps | gras | graupel | gravitational lensing | greenhouse effect | ground-based | groundbased | habil | hadley circulation | hail | hamburg | heating rate | heating rates | herschel | hiatus | hirs | history | hsb | humidity | hydrological sensitivity | hydrological sensivity | hydrometeors | iasi | ice | ice clouds | ice crystal growth | ice nucleation | ice water | icesat-2 | ici | icon | icz | in situ | infrared | infrared sounder | instruments | inter-calibration | intercalibration | intercomparison | interference | inverse modelling | ipcc | ir | ir/vis | iris | isccp | ismar | isotopes | itcz | iwc | iwp | iwv | john | jupiter | kalpana | kessler scheme | lblrtm | licentiate thesis | lidar | limb effect | limb sounding | limb-correction | linemixing | lineshape | liquid water | liquid water path | 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polarimetry | polarization | polder | potss | precipitation | profile datasets | programming | projection | promet | propagation modeling | python | radar | radiation | radiation profiles | radiative convective equilibrium | radiative equilibrium | radiative feedback | radiative fluxes | radiative forcing | radiative processes | radiative transfer | radiative-convective equilibrium | radiative-equilibrium | radio occultation | radiometer | radiometers | radiosonde | radiosonde cloud liquid | radiosonde correction | radiosonde corrections | rain | reanalysis | refractive index | relative humidity | remote sensing | retrieval | retrievals | review | rodgers | rttov | sahara | sahel | sampling | sand/dust | sar | satellite | satellite missions | satellite observations | satellite simulator | sbuehler_habil | scattering | scattering databases | scintillations | scout-amma | self-aggregation | sensor geometry | seviri | shallow convection | simulated annealing | single scattering | smiles | sno | snow | snowfall | software | soil | solar | soot | sounders | spectral information | spectroscopy | split window technique | sreerekha | ssm/i | ssm/t | ssmis | ssmt2 | stability | stars | statistics | ste | stereo | stratosphere | submillimeter | submm | sun | supersaturation | surface | synergies | synergy | task2 | tempera | temperature | terra | thermodynamics | time series | titan | tkuhn | toa radiation | top of the atmosphere | total column | tovs | trade-wind clouds | trajectory analysis | trend | trmm | tropical circulation | tropical convection | tropical meteorology | tropics | tropopause | troposphere | ttl | turbulence | tutorial | two-moment scheme | upper troposphere | uth | uthmos | utls | validation | vater vapor | venus | visualization | volcanic ash | walker | walker circulation | walker rirculation | water | water cycle | water dimer | water vapor | water vapor continuum | water vapour | water vapour path | water-vapour | wind | zeeman |

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    1. Müller, S. C., N. Kämpfer, D. G. Feist, A. Haefele, M. Milz, N. Sitnikov, C. Schiller, C. Kiemle, and J. Urban (2008), Validation of stratospheric water vapour measurements from the airborne microwave radiometer AMSOSAtmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 3169–3183, doi:10.5194/acp-8-3169-2008.

    Books and Book Contributions


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              External references

              1. Beck, R. and M. Krause (1989), Magnetfelder in SpiralgalaxienSterne und Weltraum, 28(7–8), 440–448.
              2. Cadeddu, M. P., G. E. Peckham, and C. Gaffard (2002), The Vertical Resolution of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers Analyzed Through a Multiresolution Wavelet TechniqueIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 40(3), 531–540.
              3. Cadeddu, M. P., J. C. Liljegren, and A. L. Pazmany (2007), Measurements and Retrievals From a New 183-GHz Water-vapor Radiometer in the ArcticIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 45, 2207–2215, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2006.888970.
              4. Chang, S. Y. and J. D. Lester (1968), Performance Characteristics of a 300-GHz Radiometer and Some Atmospheric Attenuation MeasurementsIEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 16(5), 588–591.
              5. Cimini, D., J. A. Shaw, E. R. Westwater, Y. Han, V. Irisov, V. Leuski, and J. H. Churnside (2003), Air temperature profile and air/sea temperature difference measurements by infrared and microwave scanning radiometersRadio Sci., 38(3), doi:10.1029/2002RS002632.
              6. Cimini, D., F. Nasir, E. R. Westwater, V. H. Payne, D. D. Turner, E. J. Mlawer, M. L. Exner, and M. P. Cadeddu (2009), Comparison of Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Observations and Simulations in the Arctic WinterIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 47(9), 3098–3106, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2009.2020743.
              7. Crewell, S., H. Czekala, U. Loehnert, and C. Simmer (2001), Microwave Radiometer for Cloud Carthography: A 22-channel ground-based microwave radiometer for atmospheric researchRadio Sci., 36(4), 621–638.
              8. Dicke, R. H., R. Beringer, R. L. Kyhl, and A. B. Vane (1946), Atmospheric Absorption Measurements with a Microwave RadiometerPhys. Rev., 70(5–6), 340–348, doi:10.1103/PhysRev.70.340.
              9. Edwards, D. P. (1992), GENLN2 A General Line-by-Line Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Model, National Center for Atmospheric Research.
              10. Elgered, G., B. O. Roennaeng, and J. I. H. Askne (1982), Measurements of atmospheric water vapor with microwave radiometryRadio Sci., 17(5), 1258–1264.
              11. England, M. N., F. J. Schmidlin, and J. M. Johansson (1993), Atmospheric Moisture Measurements: A Microwave Radiometer - Radiosonde ComparisonIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 31(2), 389–398.
              12. English, S. J., T. J. Hewison, P. J. Rayer, D. C. Jones, C. Pringent, C. Guillou, G. Anderson, and J. Wang (1111), Six Years of Microwave Radiative Transfer Validation using Airborne Radiometers, Meterological Office, GSFC, NASA/GISS, CETP, Phillips Laboratory.
              13. Eymard, L., M. Gheudin, P. Laborie, F. Sirou, C. Le Gac, J. P. Vinson, S. Franquet, M. Desbois, R. Roca, N. Scott, and P. Waldteufel (2001), The SAPHIR humidity sounder, CETP, Observatoire de Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, MEGHA-TROPIQUES 2nd Scientific Workshop.
              14. Fionda, E., M. J. Falls, and E. R. Westwater (1991), Attenuation statistics at 20.6, 31.65 and 52.85 GHz derived from emission measurements by ground-based microwave radiometersIEEE Proceeding-H, 138(1), 46–49.
              15. Fox, S., C. Lee, I. Rule, R. King, S. Rogers, C. Harlow, and A. Baran (2014), ISMAR: A new Submillimeter Airborne Radiometer, In: 2014 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad), Proceedings, pp. 128–132, doi:10.1109/MicroRad.2014.6878923.
              16. Frisch, A. S., D. H. Lenshow, S. D. Mayer, C. W. Fairall, and J. B. Sneider (2001), Island Based Radar and Microwave Radiometer Measurements of Stratus Cloud Parameters During the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX), CIRA Colorado State University, NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              17. Frisch, A. S., G. Feingold, C. W. Fairall, T. Uttal, and J. B. Sneider (1998), On cloud radar and microwave radiometer measurements of stratus cloud liquid water profilesJ. Geophys. Res., 103(D18), 23,195–23,197.
              18. Golchert, S. H. W., N. Buschmann, A. Kleindienst, M. Palm, N. Schneider, H. Jønch-Sørensen, and J. Notholt (2005), Starting Long-Term Stratospheric Observations With RAMAS at Summit, GreenlandIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 43(5), 1022–1027, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2004.840660.
              19. Goldsmith, P. F., R. L. Plambeck, and R. Y. Chiao (1974), Measurement of Atmospheric Attenuation at 1.3 and 0.87 mm with Harmonic Mixing RadiometerIEEE T. Microw. Theory, 22, 1115–1116.
              20. Grecu, M., W. S. Olson, S. J. Munchak, S. Ringerud, L. Liao, Z. Haddad, B. L. Kelley, and S. F. McLaughlin (2016), The GPM Combined AlgorithmJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 33(10), 2225–2245, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0019.1.
              21. Gueldner, J. and D. Spaenkuch (1999), Results of Year-Round Remotely Sensed Integrated Water Vapor by Ground-Based Microwave RadiometryJ. Appl. Meteorol., 38, 981–988.
              22. Han, Y. and E. R. Westwater (2000), Analysis and Improvement of Tipping Calibration for Ground-Based Microwave RadiometersIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., 38(3), 1260–1276.
              23. Haroules, G. G. and W. E. Brown III (1968), Radiometric Measurement of Attenuation and Emission by the Earth's Atmosphere at Wavelengths from 4 cm to 8 mmIEEE T. Microw. Theory, 16(8), 611–620.
              24. Jarlemark, P. and G. Elgered (2003), Retrieval of atmospheric water vapour using a ground-based single-channel microwave radiometerInt. J. Remote Sensing, 24(19), 3821–3837.
              25. Kahn, B. H., E. Fishbein, S. L. Nasiri, A. Eldering, E. J. Fetzer, M. J. Garay, and S.-Y. Lee (2007), The radiative consistency of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer cloud retrievalsJ. Geophys. Res., 112, D09201, doi:10.1029/2006JD007486.
              26. Kiedron, P., J. Michalsky, B. Schmid, D. Slater, J. Berndt, L. Harrison, P. Racette, E. Westwater, and Y. Han (2001), A Robust Retrieval of Water Vapor Column in Dry Arctic Conditions Using the Rotating Shadowband SpectroratiometerJ. Geophys. Res.
              27. Lesht, B. M. and J. C. Liljegren (1996), Comparison of Precipitable Water Vapor Measurements Obtained by Microwave Radiometry and Radiosondes at the Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed Site, Argonne National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
              28. Liljegren, J. C. (2000), Automatic self-calibration of ARM microwave radiometersMicrow. Radiomet. Remote Sens. Earth's Surf. Atmosphere, 433–441.
              29. Liljegren, J. C., B. M. Lesht, S. Kato, and E. E. Clothiaux (2001), Evaluation of Profiles of Temperature, Water Vapor, and Cloud Liquid Water from a New Microwave Radiometer, Argonne National Laboratory, Hampton University, Pennsylvania State University, Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              30. Liljegren, James C., S.-A. Boukabara, K. Cady-Pereira, and S. A. Clugh (2005), The Effect of the Half-Width of the 22-GHz Water Vapor Line on Retrievals of Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles With a 12-Channel Microwave RadiometerIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 43(5), 1102–1108, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2004.839593.
              31. Liljegren, J. C. (1994), Two-channel Microwave Radiometer for Observations of Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor and Cloud Liquid Water Path, In: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Global Change Studies, pp. 262–269.
              32. Lutz, R., T. T. Wilheit, J. R. Wang, and R. K. Kakar (1991), Retrieval of Atmospheric Water Vapor Profiles Using Radiometric Measurements at 183 and 90 GHzIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., 29(4), 603–609.
              33. Maier, D., et al. (2001), European Minor constituent Radiometer: a new Millimeter Wave Receiver for Atmospheric ResearchInt. J. Inf. Millim. Waves, 22(11), 1555–1575.
              34. Matricciani, E. and C. Riva (1998), Evaluation of the Feasibility of Satellite Systems Design in the 10–100 GHz Frequency RangeInt. J. Sat. Comm., 16, 237–247.
              35. Matrosov, S. Y., B.W. Orr, R. A. Kropfli, and J. B. Snider (1994), Retrieval of Vertical Profiles of Cirrus Cloud Microphysical Parameters from Doppler Radar and Infrared Radiometer MeasurementsJ. Appl. Meteorol., 33, 617–626.
              36. McGrath, A. and T. J. Hewison (2000), Radiometric Characterisation of the UK Met. Office Microwave Airborne Radiometer Scanning System (MARSS), Met. Office (Remote Sensing).
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              38. McKinney, R. P. and N. I. Yamane (1981), ORION — Microwave Water Vapor Radiometer Subsystem Design, NASA JPL, Microwave Observational Systems Section, The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report, TDA PR 42-62.
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              42. Munchak, S. J. and C. D. Kummerow (2011), A Modular Optimal Estimation Method for Combined Radar-Radiometer Precipitation ProfilingJ. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 50(2), 433–448, doi:10.1175/2010JAMC2535.1.
              43. Pascual, J. P., B. Aja, M. L. de la Fuente, T. Pomposo, and E. Artal (2005), System Simulation of a Differential Radiometer Using Standard RF-Microwave SimulatorsSimulation, 81(11), 735–755, doi:10.1177/0037549705062014.
              44. Payne, V. H., J. S. Delamere, K. E. Cady-Pereira, R. R. Gamache, J.-L. Moncet, E. J. Mlawer, and S. A. Clough (2008), Air-Broadened Half-Widths of the 22- and 183-GHz Water-Vapor LinesIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 46(11), 3601–3617, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2008.2002435.
              45. Petrenko, B. Z. (2001), Retrieval of Parameters of a Horizontal Hydrometeor Distribution Within the Field of View of a Satellite Microwave RadiometerIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., 39(9), 1871–1878.
              46. Racette, P. E., E. R. Westwater, Y. Han, W. Manning, A. Gasiewski, and D. Jones (2000), Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Measurements of Low Amounts of Precipitable Water Vapor, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, University of Colorado, University of Maryland, The Met Office, Tenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              47. Racette, P., R. F. Adler, J. R. Wang, A. J. Gasiewski, D. M. Jakson, and D. S. Zacharias (1996), An Airborne Millimeter-Wave Imaging Radiometer for Cloud, Precipitation, and Atmospheric Water Vapor StudiesJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 13, 610–619.
              48. Racette, P. and E. Westwater (1111), Millimeter-Wave Radiometeric Measurements of Atmospheric Water Vapor at the Department of Energy's North Slope of Alaska Cloud and Radiation Test Site, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
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              51. Rose, T., S. Crewell, U. Löhnert, and C. Simmer (2005), A network suitable microwave radiometer for operational monitoring of the cloudy atmosphereAtmos. Res., 75, 183–200, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.12.005.
              52. Rosenkranz, P. W. (1993), Absorption of microwaves by atmospheric gases, In: Atmospheric remote sensing by microwave radiometry, pp. 37–90, Edited by Janssen, M. A., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-62891-3.
              53. Scheve, T. M. and C. T. Swift (1999), Profiling Atmospheric Water Vapor with a K-Band Spectral RadiometerIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 37(3), 1719–1729.
              54. Selbach, N., T. J. Hewison, G. Heygster, J. Miao, A. J. McGrath, and J. P. Taylor (2001), Validation of total water vapor retrieval with an airborne millimeter-wave radiometer over Arctic sea ice, xxxx.
              55. Smith, G. J., D. A. Naylor, and P. A. Feldman (2001), Measurements of Atmospheric Water Vapor above Mauna Kea using an infrared RadiometerInt. J. Inf. Millim. Waves, 22(5), 661–678.
              56. Taylor, J. P. and S. J. English (1995), The retrieval of cloud radiative and microphysical properties using combined near-infrared and microwave radiometryQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, 1083–1112.
              57. Trokhimovski, Y. Gaevich, E. R. Westwater, Y. Han, and V. Y. Leuski (1998), Air and Sea Surface Temperature Measurements Using a 60-GHz Microwave Rotating RadiometerIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 36(1), 3–15.
              58. Vivekanandan, J., L. Li, L. Tsang, and C. Chan (1997), Microwave Radiometrics Technique to Retrieve Vapor, Liquid and Ice: Part II- Joint Studies of Radiometer and Radar in Winter CloudsIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 35(2), 237–247.
              59. Westwater, E. R., Y. Han, A. Gasiewski, M. Klein, P. E. Racette, W. Manning, and B. M. Lesht (2000), A Comparison of Clear-Sky Emission Models with Data Taken During the 1999 Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Arctic Water Vapor Experiment, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Argonne National Laboratory, Tenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              60. Westwater, E. R., Y. Han, B. B. Stankov, C. N. Long, B. M. Lesht, and J. Shannahoff (2000), Microwave Radiometers and Radiosondes During Nauru99, University of Colorado, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Tenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              61. Westwater, E. R., Y. Han, M. D. Shupe, and S. Y. Matrosov (2001), Analysis of integrated cloud liquid and precipitable water vapor retrievals from microwave radiometers during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean projectJ. Geophys. Res., 106(D23), 32019–32030, doi:10.1029/2000JD000055.
              62. Westwater, E. R., P. E. Racette, and D. Cimini (2001), The Arctic Winter Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Experiment: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations, University of Colorado, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, University of L'Aquila, Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              63. Westwater, E. R., Y. Han, B. B. Stankov, J. A. Shaw, D. Cimini, and B. M. Lesht (2001), Nauru 99: Scaling of Radiosondes by Microwave Radiometers, University of Colorado,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration, University of L'Aquila,Argonne National Laboratory, Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
              64. Westwater, E. R., B. B. Stankov, D. Cimini, Y. Han, J. A. Shaw, B. M. Lesht, and C. N. Long (2003), Radiosonde Humidity Soundings and Microwave Radiometers during Nauru99J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20, 953–971.
              65. Westwater, E. R. (1978), The accuracy of water vapor and cloud liquid determination by dual-frequency ground-based microwave radiometryRadio Sci., 13(4), 677–685, doi:10.1029/RS013i004p00677.
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