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cloud radiative forcing | cloud regimes | cloud top pressure | cloudice mission | clouds | cloudsat | clustering | cmip3 | cmip5 | cmip6 | cmsaf | co2 | collocation | collocations | comparison | computer science | continua | contrail | convection | convective clouds | convective processes | convective self-aggregation | correlated k | cosmic background | cosmic rays | cosp | cost 723 qjrms | cross-calibration | cth | cumulus | dardar | data assimilation | data bases | dda | deep convection | delta m | dimer | disort | diurnal cycle | dlr-smiles | dmsp | documentation | doppler | droplet size | dynamics | earth | earthcare | ec earth | echam | ecmwf | effective radius | electromagnetism | electron content | elevation | elevation satellite-2 | emd | emde | emissivity | enso | eof-pca-svd | erbe | error assessment | ers | eruption | esa planetary | exoplanets | extraterrestrial | fall speed | far-infrared | faraday-voigt | fcdr | feedback | feedbacks | fingerprinting | flux uav | forcing | forest fire | fox19_airborne_amt.pdf | friend | fun | fuzzy inference system | fuzzy logic | gcm | genesis | geostationary | gerrit_erca | global warming | gnss | goes | gps | gras | graupel | gravitational lensing | greenhouse effect | ground-based | groundbased | habil | hadley circulation | hail | hamburg | heating rate | heating rates | herschel | hiatus | hirs | history | hsb | humidity | hydrological sensitivity | hydrological sensivity | hydrometeors | iasi | ice | ice clouds | ice crystal growth | ice nucleation | ice water | icesat-2 | ici | icon | icz | in situ | infrared | infrared sounder | instruments | inter-calibration | intercalibration | intercomparison | interference | inverse modelling | ipcc | ir | ir/vis | iris | isccp | ismar | isotopes | itcz | iwc | iwp | iwv | john | jupiter | kalpana | kessler scheme | lblrtm | licentiate thesis | lidar | limb effect | limb sounding | limb-correction | linemixing | lineshape | liquid water | liquid water path | longwave radiation | low-cloud feedback | magnetic field | magnetism | mars | mas | mass-dimension relation | master thesis | masters thesis | math | megha-tropiques | mendrok | mesoscale organization | meteorology | meteosat | methane ocean | metop | mhs | microphysics | microwave | microwave humidity | microwave radiometry | milz | mipas | mirs | misr | mixed phase | mls | model | modeling | models | modis | monte carlo | moon | mspps | msu | mth | multi-moment scheme | multisensor | mwhs | mwi | net radiation | neural network | nicam | nlte | noaa | nonsphericity | npoess | observation | ocean | ocean reflection | ocean-atmosphere interactions | odin | olr | one-moment scheme | open loop | optical | optical depth | optical properties | optics | orbital drift | orbital drift correction | orbits | ozone | pacific ocean | particle orientation | particle shape | particle size | particle size distribution | passive | patmos-x | phase function | phd thesis | planetary evolution | polarimetry | polarization | polder | potss | precipitation | profile datasets | programming | projection | promet | propagation modeling | python | radar | radiation | radiation profiles | radiative convective equilibrium | radiative equilibrium | radiative feedback | radiative fluxes | radiative forcing | radiative processes | radiative transfer | radiative-convective equilibrium | radiative-equilibrium | radio occultation | radiometer | radiometers | radiosonde | radiosonde cloud liquid | radiosonde correction | radiosonde corrections | rain | reanalysis | refractive index | relative humidity | remote sensing | retrieval | retrievals | review | rodgers | rttov | sahara | sahel | sampling | sand/dust | sar | satellite | satellite missions | satellite observations | satellite simulator | sbuehler_habil | scattering | scattering databases | scintillations | scout-amma | self-aggregation | sensor geometry | seviri | shallow convection | simulated annealing | single scattering | smiles | sno | snow | snowfall | software | soil | solar | soot | sounders | spectral information | spectroscopy | split window technique | sreerekha | ssm/i | ssm/t | ssmis | ssmt2 | stability | stars | statistics | ste | stereo | stratosphere | submillimeter | submm | sun | supersaturation | surface | synergies | synergy | task2 | tempera | temperature | terra | thermodynamics | time series | titan | tkuhn | toa radiation | top of the atmosphere | total column | tovs | trade-wind clouds | trajectory analysis | trend | trmm | tropical circulation | tropical convection | tropical meteorology | tropics | tropopause | troposphere | ttl | turbulence | tutorial | two-moment scheme | upper troposphere | uth | uthmos | utls | validation | vater vapor | venus | visualization | volcanic ash | walker | walker circulation | walker rirculation | water | water cycle | water dimer | water vapor | water vapor continuum | water vapour | water vapour path | water-vapour | wind | zeeman |

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Group references

In the Pipeline


      2003 Back to top

    1. Miao, J., K.-P. Johnsen, S. A. Buehler, and A. Kokhanovsky (2003), The potential of polarization measurements from space at mm and sub-mm wavelengths for determining cirrus cloud parametersAtmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 39–48, doi:10.5194/acp-3-39-2003.

    Books and Book Contributions


        Technical Reports and Proposals

          Articles in Conference Proceedings and Newsletters

            2002 Back to top

          1. Heygster, G., J. Miao, and S. Buehler (2002), Single scattering of partly oriented aspherical cloud ice particles at sub-millimeter wavelenths, In: IGARSS Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings.

          Internal Reports

            External references

            1. Aghedo, A. M., K. W. Bowman, D. T. Shindell, and G. Faluvegi (2011), The impact of orbital sampling, monthly averaging and vertical resolution on climate chemistry model evaluation with satellite observationsAtmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 9705–9742, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-9705-2011.
            2. Aumann, H. H., M. T. Chahine, C. Gautier, M. D. Goldberg, E. Kalnay, L. M. McMillin, H. Revercomb, P. W. Rosenkranz, W. L. Smith, D. H. Staelin, L. L. Strow, and J. Susskind (2003), AIRS/AMSU/HSB on the Aqua mission: Design, science objectives, data products, and processing systemsIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 41(2), 253–264.
            3. d' Auria, G., F. S. Marzano, N. Pierdicca, and R. P. Nossai (1998), Remotely sensing cloud properties from microwave radiometric observations by using a modeled clouds databaseRadio Sci., 33(2), 369–392.
            4. Baran, A. J., P. N. Francis, L.C. Labonnote, and M. Doutriaux-Boucher (2001), A scattering phase function for ice cloud : Tests of applicability using aircraft and satellite multi-angle multi-wavelength radiance measurements of cirrusQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 127, 2395–2416.
            5. Baum, B. A., D. P. Kratz, P. Yang, S. C. Ou, Y. X. Hu, P.F. Soulen, and S.-C. Tsay (2000), Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS. 1. Data and modelsJ. Geophys. Res., 105, 11767–11780, doi:10.1029/1999JD901089.
            6. Baum, B. A., P. F. Soulen, K. I. Strabala, M. D. King, S. A. Ackerman, W. P. Menzel, and P. Yang (2000), Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS. 2. Cloud thermodynamic phaseJ. Geophys. Res., 105, 11781–11792, doi:10.1029/1999JD901090.
            7. Baum, B. A. and J. D. Spinhirne (2000), Remote sensing of cloud properties using MODIS airborne simulator imagery during SUCCESS. 3. Cloud overlapJ. Geophys. Res., 105, 11793–11804, doi:10.1029/1999JD901091.
            8. Bhat, G. S. (2003), Some salient features of the atmosphere observed over the north Bay of Bengal during BOMBMEXProc. Indian Acad. Sci., 112(2), 131–146.
            9. Biver, N., A. Lecacheux, T. Encrenaz, E. Lellouch, P. Baron, J. Crovisier, U. Frisk, Å. Hjalmarson, M. Olberg, Aa. Sandqvist, and S. Kwok (2005), Wide-band observations of the 557 GHz water line in Mars with OdinA&A, 435(2), 765–772, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20042247.
            10. Blumenstock, T., G. Kopp, F. Hase, G. Hochschild, S. Mikuteit, U. Raffalski, and R. Ruhnke (2006), Observation of unusual chlorine activation by ground-based infrared and microwave spectroscopy in the late Arctic winter 2000/2001Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 897–905, doi:10.5194/acp-6-897-2006.
            11. Breon, F.-M. and B. Dubrulle (2004), Horizontally Oriented Plates in CloudsJ. Atmos. Sci., 61, 2888–2898.
            12. Brown, P. R. A. and H. A. Swann (1997), Evaluation of key microphysical parameters in three-dimensional cloud-model simulations using aircraft and multiparameter radar dataQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 123, 2245–2275.
            13. Cerveny, R. S. (2005), Charles Darwin's Meteorological Observations aboard the H.M.S. BeagleBull. Amer. Met. Soc., 1295–1301.
            14. Chamberlin, R. A., A. P. Lane, and A. A. Stark (1997), The 492 GHz Atmospheric Opacity at the Geographic South PoleAstrophys. J., 476, 428–433.
            15. Chandrasekar, V., W. Li, and B. Zafar (2005), Estimation of raindrop size distribution from spaceborne radar observationsIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 43(5), 1078–1086, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2005.846130.
            16. Chepfer, H., P. Goloub, J. Riedi, J. F. De Haan, J. W. Hovenier, and P. H. Flamant (2001), Ice crystal shapes in cirrus clouds derived from POLDER/ADEOS-1J. Geophys. Res., 106(D8), 7955–7966, doi:10.1029/2000JD900285.
            17. Chepfer, H., G. Brogniez, and Y. Fouquart (1998), Cirrus coulds' microphysical properties deduced from POLDER observationsJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 60(3), 375–390.
            18. Chepfer, H., G. Brogniez, P. Goloub, F. M. Breon, and P. H. Flamant (1999), Observations of horizontally oriented ice crystals in cirrus clouds with POLDER-1/ADEOS-1J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 63, 521–543.
            19. Cheruy, F., N. A. Scott, R. Armante, B. Tournier, and A. Chedin (1995), Contribution to the Development of Radiative Transfer Models for High Spectral Resolution Observations in the InfraredJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 53(5), 597–611.
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            21. Cho, J. Y. N. and R. E. Newell (2003), Characterizations of tropospheric turbulence and stability layers from aircraft observationsJ. Geophys. Res., 108(D20), doi:10.1029/2002JD002820.
            22. Clark, H. L., R. S. Harwood, A. Billingham, and H. C. Pumphrey (2003), Cirrus and water vapor in the tropical tropopause layer observed by Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS)J. Geophys. Res., 108(D24), doi:10.1029/2003JD003748.
            23. Costa, A. A., C. J. de Oliveira, J. C. P. de Oliveira, and A. J. C. da Costa Sampaio (2000), Microphysical observations of warm cumulus clouds in Ceara, BrazilAtmos. Res., 54, 167–199.
            24. Costales, J. B., G. F. Smoot, C. Witebsky, and G. De Amici (1986), Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric emissions at 10, 33, and 90 GHzRadio Sci., 21(1), 47–55.
            25. Crewell, S., K. Ebell, U. Lohnert, and D. D. Turner (2009), Can liquid water profiles be retrieved from passive microwave zenith observationsGeophys. Res. Lett., 36, L06803, doi:10.1029/2008GL036934.
            26. Danese, L. and R. B. Partridge (1989), Atmospheric Emission Models: Confrontation between Observational Data and Predictions in the 2.5–300 GHz Frequency RangeAstrophys. J., 342, 604–615.
            27. Daniel, J. S., S. Solomon, R. W. Sanders, R. W. Portmann, D. C. Miller, and W. Madsen (1999), Implications for water monomer and dimer solar absorption from observations at Boulder, ColoradoJ. Geophys. Res., 104(D14), 16,785–16,791.
            28. Deeter, M. N. and K. F. Evans (2000), A Novel Ice-Cloud Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Millimeter-Wave Imaging Radiometer (MIR) 150- and 220-GHz ChannelsJ. Appl. Meteorol., 39, 623–633.
            29. Del Genio, A. D., A. B. Wolf, and G. G. Mace (2001), Observed and Simulated Cirrus Cloud Properties at the SGP CART Site, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, University of Utah, Eleventh ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
            30. Deschamps, P. Y., F. M. Breon, M. Leroy, A. Podaire, A. Bricaud, J. C. Buriez, and G. Seze (1994), The POLDER mission - Instrument characteristics and scientific objectivesIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 32(3), 598–615.
            31. Elliott, W. P., R. J. Ross, and W. H. Blackmore (2002), Recent Changes in NWS Upper-Air Observations with Emphasis on Changes from VIZ to Vaisala RadiosondesBull. Amer. Met. Soc., 1003–1017.
            32. Emmons, L. K. and R. L. de Zafra (1990), Observation of a Strong Inverse Temperature Dependence for the Opacity of Atmospheric Water Vapor in the mm Continuum near 280 GHzInt. J. Inf. Millim. Waves, 11(4), 469–489.
            33. Eriksson, P. and D. Chen (2002), Statistical parameters derived from ozonesonde data of importance for passive remote sensing observations of ozoneInt. J. Remote Sensing, 23(22), 4945–4963.
            34. Evans, K. F., S. J. Walter, A. J. Heymsfield, and G. M. McFarquhar (2002), Submillimeter-Wave Cloud Ice Radiometer: Simulations of retrieval algorithm performanceJ. Geophys. Res., 107(D3), doi:10.1029/2001JD000709.
            35. Evans, K. F. and G. L. Stephens (1995), Microwave Radiative Transfer through Clouds Composed of Realistically Shaped Ice Crystals. Part I: Single Scattering PropertiesJ. Atmos. Sci., 52(11), 2041–2057, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1995)052<2041:MRTTCC>2.0.CO;2.
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            44. Govindan, R. B., D. Vyushin, A. Bunde, S. Brenner, S. Havlin, and H.-J. Schellnhuber (2002), Global climate models violate scaling of the observed atmospheric variability, Bar-Ilan University, Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
            45. Grassia, P. (2001), Dissipation, fluctuations, and conservations lawsAnn. J. Phys., 69(2), 113–119.
            46. Grotjahn, R. (2002), Energy Cycle, University of California.
            47. Gultepe, I. and G. A. Isaac (2004), Aircraft observations of cloud droplet number concentration: Implications for climate studiesQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 130, 2377–2390, doi:10.1256/qj.03.120.
            48. Gurwell, M. A., E. A. Bergin, G. J. Melnick, M. L. N. Ashby, G. Chin, N. R. Erickson, P. F. Goldsmith, M. Harwit, J. E. Howe, S. C. Kleiner, D. G. Koch, D. A. Neufeld, B. M. Patten, R. Plume, R. Schieder, R. L. Snell, J. R. Stauffer, V. Tolls, Z. Wang, G. Winnewisser, and Y. F. Zhang (2000), Submillimeter wave astronomy satellite observations of the Martian atmosphere: Temperature and vertical distribution of water vaporAstrophys. J. Lett., 539, L143–L146.
            49. Gurwell, M. A., E. A. Bergin, G. J. Melnick, and V. Tolls (2005), Mars surface and atmospheric temperature during the 2001 global dust stormIcarus, 175, 23–31, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.10.009.
            50. Hallar, A. Gannet, L. M. Avallone, R. L. Herman, B. E. Anderson, and A. J. Heymsfield (2004), Measurements of ice water content in tropopause region Arctic cirrus during the SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE)J. Geophys. Res., 109, D17203, doi:10.1029/2003JD004348.
            51. Han, Y., E. R. Westwater, M. Klein, P. E. Racette, W. Manning, A. Gasiewski, and B. M. Lesht (2000), Radiometric Observations of Water Vapor During the 1999 Arctic Winter Experiment, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, University of Maryland Baltimore Country, Argonne National Laboratory, Tenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
            52. Hartogh, P., M. I. Błȩcka, C. Jarchow, H. Sagawa, E. Lellouch, M. de Val-Borro, M. Rengel, A. S. Medvedev, B. M. Swinyard, R. Moreno, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L.-M. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, A. Lorenzani, G. Tofani, E. Natale, J. Pearson, T. Klein, C. Leinz, R. Güsten, and C. Kramer (2010), First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observationsA&A, 521, L48, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015159.
            53. Hartogh, P., C. Jarchow, E. Lellouch, M. de Val-Borro, M. Rengel, R. Moreno, A. S. Medvedev, H. Sagawa, B. M. Swinyard, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. I. Błȩcka, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L.-M. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, N. Whyborn, D. Teyssier, F. Helmich, P. Roelfsema, J. Stutzki, H. G. LeDuc, and J. A. Stern (2010), Herschel/HIFI observations of Mars: First detection of O2 at submillimetre wavelengths and upper limits on HCl and H2O2A&A, 521, L49, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015160.
            54. Hartogh, P., M. I. Błȩcka, C. Jarchow, H. Sagawa, E. Lellouch, M. Val-Borro, M. Renge, A. S. Medvedev, B. M. Swinyard, R. Moreno, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisie, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, A. Lorenzan, G. Tofani, E. Natale, J. Pearson, T. Klein, C. Leinz, R. Güsten, and C. Kramer (2010), First results on martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observationsA&A.
            55. Heymsfield, A. J. and J. Iaquinta (2000), Cirrus crystal terminal velocitiesJ. Atmos. Sci., 57, 916–938.
            56. Heymsfield, A. J., A. Bansemer, P.R. Field, S. L. Durden, J. L. Stith, J. E. Dye, W. Hall, and C. A. Grainger (2002), Observations and Parameterizations of Particle Size Distributions in Deep Tropical Cirrus and Stratiform Precipitating Clouds: Results from In Situ Observations in TRMM Field Campaigns.J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 3457–3491.
            57. Heymsfield, A. J., A. Bansemer, C. Schmitt, C. Twohy, and M. R. Poellot (2004), Effective Ice Particle Densities Derived from Aircraft DataJ. Atmos. Sci., 61, 982–1003, doi:10.1175/1520-0469(2004)061<0982:EIPDDF>2.0.CO;2.
            58. Hong, G., G. Heygster, J. Miao, and K. Kunzi (2005), Sensitivity of microwave brightness temperatures to hydrometeors in tropical deep convective cloud system at 89-190 GHz channels measurementsRadio Sci., 40, RS4003, doi:10.1029/2004RS003129.
            59. Hong, G., G. Heygster, and K. Kunzi (2005), Intercomparison of Deep Convective Cloud Fractions From Passive Infrared and Microwave Radiance MeasurementsIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., 2, 18–24, doi:10.1109/LGRS.2004.838405.
            60. Hong, G., G. Heygster, J. Miao, and K. Kunzi (2005), Detection of tropical deep convective clouds from AMSU-B water vapor channels measurementsJ. Geophys. Res., 110(D9), D05205, doi:10.1029/2004JD004949.
            61. Immler, F. J., J. Dykema, T. Gardiner, D. N. Whiteman, P. W. Thorne, and H. Vömel (2010), Reference Quality Upper-Air Measurements: guidance for developing GRUAN data productsAtmos. Meas. Tech., 3, 1217–1231, doi:10.5194/amt-3-1217-2010.
            62. Jackson, D. R., S. J. Driscoll, E. J. Highwood, J. E. Harries, and J. M. Russel III (1998), Troposphere to stratosphere transport at low latitutes at studies using HALOE observations of water vapour 1992–1997Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 124, 169–192.
            63. Jiang, J. H., H. Su, C. Zhai, V. S. Perun, A. Del Genio, L. S. Nazarenko, L. J. Donner, L. Horowitz, C. Seman, J. Cole, A. Gettelman, M. A. Ringer, L. Rotstayn, S. Jeffrey, T. Wu, F. Brient, J.-L. Dufresne, H. Kawai, T. Koshiro, M. Watanabe, T. S. L'Ecuyer, E. M. Volodin, T. Iversen, H. Drange, M. D. S. Mesquita, W. G. Read, J. W. Waters, B. Tian, J. Teixeira, and G. L. Stephens (2012), Evaluation of cloud and water vapor simulations in CMIP5 climate models using NASA "A-Train" satellite observationsJ. Geophys. Res., 117, D14105, doi:10.1029/2011JD017237.
            64. Jiménez, C., P. Eriksson, and J. Askne (2000), Non-linear inversion of Odin sub-mm observations in the lower stratosphere by neutral networksMicrow. Radiomet. Remote Sens. Earth's Surf. Atmosphere, 503–511.
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