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  1. Althorpe, S. C. and D. C. Clary (1994), Calculation of the intermolecular bound states for water dimerJ. Chem. Phys., 101(5), 3603–3609.
  2. Amadei, A., M. Aschi, R. Spezia, and A. Di Nola (2002), A first principles polarizable water model for molecular simulations: application to a water dimerJ. Molec. Liqu., 101(1–3), 181–198.
  3. Bernath, P., M. Carleer, S. Fally, A. Jenouvrier, A. C. Vandaele, C. Hermans, M.-F. Merienne, and R. Colin (1998), The Wulf bands of oxygenChem. Phys. Lett., 297, 293–299.
  4. Blanes, B. L. and G. E. Ewing (1976), Van der Waals MoleculeAnnu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 27, 553–586.
  5. Braly, L. B., K. Liu, M. G. Brown, F. N. Keutsch, R. S. Fellers, and R. J. Saykally (2000), Terahertz laser spectroscopy of the wate dimer intermolecular vibrations. II. (H2O)2J. Chem. Phys., 112(23), 10314–10326.
  6. Brocks, G. and A van der Avoird (1985), Infrared spectra of the van der Waals molecule (N2)2Molecular Physics, 55(1), 11–32.
  7. Bussery, B. and P. E. S. Wormer (1993), A van der Waals intermolecular potential for (O2)2J. Chem. Phys., 99(2), 1230–1239.
  8. Chylek, P. and D. J. W. Geldart (1997), Water vapor dimers and atmospheric absorption of electromagnetic radiationGeophys. Res. Lett., 24(16), 2015–2018.
  9. Chylek, P., Q. Fu, H. C. W. Tso, and D. J. W. Geldart (1999), Contribution of water vapor dimers to clear sky absorption of solar radiationTellus, 51, 304–313.
  10. Coudert, L. H. and J. T. Hougen (1990), Analysis of the Microwave and Far Infrared Spectrum of the Water DimerJ. Molec. Spectro., 139, 259–277.
  11. Couronne, O. and Y. Ellinger (1999), An ab initio and DFT study of (N2)2 dimersChem. Phys. Lett., 306, 71–77.
  12. Daniel, J. S., S. Solomon, R. W. Sanders, R. W. Portmann, D. C. Miller, and W. Madsen (1999), Implications for water monomer and dimer solar absorption from observations at Boulder, ColoradoJ. Geophys. Res., 104(D14), 16,785–16,791.
  13. Dyke, T. R., K. M. Mack, and J. S. Muenter (1977), The structure of water dimer from molecular beam electric resonance spectroscopyJ. Chem. Phys., 66(2), 498–510.
  14. Eerkens, J. W. (2001), Equilibrium dimer concentrations in gases and gas mixturesChem. Phys., 269, 189–241.
  15. Gebbie, H. A., W. J. Burroughs, J. Chamberlain, J. E. Harries, and R. G. Jones (1969), Dimers of the Water Molecule in the Earth's AtmosphereNature, 221, 143–145.
  16. Groenenboom, G. C., P. E. S. Wormer, A. van der Avoird, E. M. Mas, R. Bukowski, and K. Szalewicz (2000), Water pair potential of near spectroscopic accuracy. II. Vibration- rotation- tunneling levels of the water dimerJ. Chem. Phys., 113(16), 6702–6715.
  17. Hamdani, A. H., Z. Shen, Y. Dong, H. Gao, and Z. Ma (2000), Theoretical and experimental research on excimer ike (N2)2 dimer: potential energy curves and spectraChem. Phys. Lett., 325, 610–618.
  18. Holstein, B. R. (2000), The van der Waals interaction, University of Massachusetts.
  19. Howard, B. J. (1975), The Structur and Properties of van der Waals Molecules, University of Southampton.
  20. Hutson, J. M. (1990), Atom-asymmetric top van der Waals complexes: Angular momentum coupling in AR-H2OJ. Chem. Phys., 92(1), 157–167.
  21. Kim, K. S., B. J. Mhin, U.-S. Choi, and K. Lee (1992), Ab initio studies of the water dimer using large basis sets: The structure and thermodynamic energiesJ. Chem. Phys., 97(9), 6649–6662.
  22. Koshelev, M. A., I. N. Vilkov, D. S. Makarov, M. Yu. Tretyakov, B. Vispoel, R. R. Gamache, D. Cimini, F. Romano, and P.W. Rosenkranz (2021), Water vapor line profile at 183-GHz: Temperature dependence of broadening, shifting, and speed-dependent shape parametersJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 262, 107472, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2020.107472.
  23. Kuz'menko, V. A. (2002), Problem of water vapor absorption continuum in atmospheric windows. Return of dimer hypothesis, Troitsk Institute for Fusion Research.
  24. Lewis, B. R., S. T. Gibson, and K. Yoshino (1999), Comment on "Ab initio dynamic dipole polarizabilities for CO2, its photoabsorption spectrum in the Schumann-Runge region, and long-range interaction coefficients for its dimer"J. Chem. Phys., 111(24), 11236–11237.
  25. Low, G. R. and H. G. Kjaergaard (1999), Calculation of OH-stretching band intensities of the water dimer and trimerJ. Chem. Phys., 110(18), 9104–9115.
  26. Markov, V. N., Y. Xu, and W. Jaeger (1998), Microwave-submillimeter wave double-resonance spectrometer for the investigation of van der Waals complexesRev. Sci. Inst., 69(12), 4061–4067.
  27. McKellar, A. R. W. (1988), Infrared spectra of the (N2)2 and N2-Ar van der Waals moleculesJ. Chem. Phys., 88(7), 4190–4196.
  28. Moreau, G., J. Boissoles, R. Le Doucen, C. Boulet, R. H. Tipping, and Q. Ma (2001), Metastable dimer contributions to the collision-induced fundamental absorption spectra of N2 and O2 pairsJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 70, 99–113.
  29. Palmer, I. J., W. B. Brown, and I. H. Hillier (1996), Simulation of the charge transfer absorption of the H2O/O2 van der Waals complex using high level ab initio calculationsJ. Chem. Phys., 104(9), 3198–3204.
  30. Park, C.-Y., Y. Kim, and Y. Kim (2001), The multi-coefficient correlated quantum mechanical calculations for structures, energies, and harmonic frequencies of HF and H2O dimersJ. Chem. Phys., 115(7), 2926–2935.
  31. Saykally, R. J. (2013), Viewpoint: Simplest Water Cluster Leaves Behind its Spectral FingerprintPhysics, 6(22), doi:10.1103/Physics.6.22.
  32. Schuller, F. (1998), Extended Impact Theory of Pressure Broadening of Spectral Lines for Van der Waals Interaction PotentialsJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 60(1), 43–51.
  33. Spelsberg, D. and W. Meyer (1998), Ab initio dynamic dipole polarizabilities for CO2, its photoabsorption spectrum in the Schumann-Runge region, and long-range interaction coefficients for its dimerJ. Chem. Phys., 109(22), 9802–9810.
  34. Spelsberg, D. and W. Meyer (1999), Response to "Comment on 'Ab initio dynamic dipole polarizabilities for CO2, its photoabsorption spectrum in the Schumann-Runge region, and long-range interaction coefficients for its dimer'"J. Chem. Phys., 111(24), 11238–11239.
  35. Stockmann, P. A., R. E. Bumgarner, S. Suzuki, and G. A. Blake (1992), Microwave and tunable far-infrared laser spectroscopy of the ammonia-water dimerJ. Chem. Phys., 96(4), 2496–2509.
  36. Tso, H. C. W., D. J. W. Geldart, and P. Chylek (1998), Anharmonicity and cross section for absortion of radiation by water dimerJ. Chem. Phys., 108(13), 5319–5329.
  37. Vigasin, A. A. (2000), Collision-Induced Absorption in the Region of the O2 Fundamental: Bandshapes and Dimeric FeaturesJ. Molec. Spectro., 202, 59–66.
  38. Vigasin, A. A., Y. I. Baranov, and G. V. Chlenova (2002), Temperature Variations of the Interaction Induced Absorption of CO2 in the ν1, 2ν2 Region: FTIR Measurements and Dimer ContributionsJ. Molec. Spectro., 213, 51–56, doi:10.1006/jmsp.2002.8529.
  39. Vigasin, A. A., E. G. Tarakanova, and G. V. Tchlenova (1993), IR-spectra of (CO2)2 dimers and collision-induced absorption of carbon dioxide in the region of the Fermi doublet (ν1,2ν2)J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 50(5), 695–703.
  40. Wada, A., H. Kanamori, and S. Iwata (1998), Ab initio MO studies of van der Waals molecule (N2)2: Potential energy surface and internal motionJ. Chem. Phys., 109(21), 9434–9438.
  41. Wormer, P. E. S. and A. van der Avoird (2000), Intermolecular Potentials, Internal Motions, and Spectra of van der Waals and Hydrogen-Bonded ComplexesChem. Rev., 100, 4109–4143.
  42. Zvereva, N. A. (2001), Theoretical Description of the Photodissociation Spectrum of Monomer and Dimer Forms of WaterOpt. Spectro., 91(4), 640–644.