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  1. Anderson, C. M. and R. E. Samuelson (2011), Titan's aerosol and stratospheric ice opacities between 18 and 500 μm: vertical and spectral characteristics from Cassini CIRSIcarus, 212, 762–778, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.01.024.
  2. Bézard, B., J. P. Balatueau, and A. Marten (1983), Study of the Deep Cloud Structure in the Equatorial Region of Jupiter from Voyager Infrared and Visible DataIcarus, 54(3), 434–455.
  3. Biver, N., A. Lecacheux, T. Encrenaz, E. Lellouch, P. Baron, J. Crovisier, U. Frisk, Å. Hjalmarson, M. Olberg, Aa. Sandqvist, and S. Kwok (2005), Wide-band observations of the 557 GHz water line in Mars with OdinA&A, 435(2), 765–772, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20042247.
  4. Borucki, W. J., D. Koch, J. Jenkins, D. Sasselov, R. Gilliland, N. Batalha, D. W. Latham, D. Caldwell, G. Basri, T. Brown, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, W. D. Cochran, E. DeVore, E. Dunham, A. K. Dupree, T. Gautier, J. Geary, A. Gould, S. Howell, H. Kjeldsen, J. Lissauer, G. Marcy, S. Meibom, D. Morrison, and J. Tarter (2009), Kepler's Optical Phase Curve of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7bScience, 325, doi:10.1126/science.1178312.
  5. Borysow, A. and L. Frommhold (1986), Theoretical Collision-Induced Rototranslational Absorption Spectra for Modeling Titan's Atmosphere: H2-N2 PairsAstrophys. J., 303, 495–510.
  6. Brown, M. E. and W. M. Calvin (2000), Evidence for Crystalline Water and Ammonia Ices on Pluto's Satellite CharonScience, 287(5450), 107–109, doi:10.1126/science.287.5450.107.
  7. Courtin, R. and D. Gautier (1995), Titan's Thermal Emission Spectrum: Reanalysis of the Voyager Infrared MeasurementsIcarus, 114, 144–162.
  8. de Pater, Imke and Jack J. Lissauer (2010), Planetary Sciences, Cambridge University Press.
  9. Devaraj, K., P. G. Steffes, and B. M. Karpowicz (2011), Reconciling the centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength ammonia absorption spectra under jovian conditions: Extensive millimeter-wavelength measurements and a consistent modelIcarus, 212(1), 224–235, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2010.12.010.
  10. Forget, F., F. Hourdin, R. Foumier, C. Hourdin, and O. Talagran (1999), Improved general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere from the surface to above 80 kmJ. Geophys. Res., 104, 155–175.
  11. Fulchignoni, M., F. Ferri, F. Angrilli, A. J. Ball, A. Bar-Nun, M. A. Barucci, C. Bettanini, G. Bianchini, W. Borucki, G. Colombatti, M. Coradini, A. Coustenis, S. Debei, P. Falkner, G. Fanti, E. Flamini, V. Gaborit, R. Grard, M. Hamelin, A. M. Harri, B. Hathi, I. Jernej, M. R. Leese, A. Lehto, P. F. Lion Stoppato, J. J. López-Moreno, T. Mäkinen, J. A. M. McDonnell, C. P. McKay, G. Molina-Cuberos, F. M. Neubauer, V. Pirronello, R. Rodrigo, B. Saggin, K. Schwingenschuh, A. Seiff, F. Simõnes, H. Svedhem, T. Tokano, M. C. Towner, R. Trautner, P. Withers, and J. C. Zarnecki (2005), In situ measurements of the physical characteristics of Titan's environmentNature, 438(7069), 785–791, doi:10.1038/nature04314.
  12. Gruszka, M. and A. Borysow (1997), Roto-Translational Collision-Induced Absorption of CO2 for the Atmosphere of Venus at Frequencies from 0 to 250 cm-1, at Temperatures from 200 to 800 KIcarus, 172–177.
  13. Gurwell, M. A., E. A. Bergin, G. J. Melnick, M. L. N. Ashby, G. Chin, N. R. Erickson, P. F. Goldsmith, M. Harwit, J. E. Howe, S. C. Kleiner, D. G. Koch, D. A. Neufeld, B. M. Patten, R. Plume, R. Schieder, R. L. Snell, J. R. Stauffer, V. Tolls, Z. Wang, G. Winnewisser, and Y. F. Zhang (2000), Submillimeter wave astronomy satellite observations of the Martian atmosphere: Temperature and vertical distribution of water vaporAstrophys. J. Lett., 539, L143–L146.
  14. Gurwell, M. A., E. A. Bergin, G. J. Melnick, and V. Tolls (2005), Mars surface and atmospheric temperature during the 2001 global dust stormIcarus, 175, 23–31, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.10.009.
  15. Hartogh, P., E. Lellouch, J. Crovisier, M. Banaszkiewicz, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, M. I. Błȩcka, J. Blommaert, D. Bockelee-Morvan, T. Cavalie, J. Cernicharo, R. Courtin, G. Davis, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, T. Encrenaz, A. Gonza, D. Hutsemekers, C. Jarchow, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, M. Kuppers, A. de Lange, L. M. Lara, D. C. Lis, R. Lorente, J. Manfroid, A. S. Medvedev, R. Moreno, D. A. Naylor, G. Orton, G. Portyankina, M. Rengel, H. Sagawa, M. Sanchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, D. Stam, B. Swinyard, S. Szutowicz, N. Thomas, G. Thornhill, B. Vandenbussche, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, and H. Walker (2009), Water and related chemistry in the solar system. A guaranteed time key programme for HerschelPlanet. Space Sci., 57, 1596–606, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2009.07.009.
  16. Hartogh, P., M. I. Błȩcka, C. Jarchow, H. Sagawa, E. Lellouch, M. de Val-Borro, M. Rengel, A. S. Medvedev, B. M. Swinyard, R. Moreno, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L.-M. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, A. Lorenzani, G. Tofani, E. Natale, J. Pearson, T. Klein, C. Leinz, R. Güsten, and C. Kramer (2010), First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observationsA&A, 521, L48, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015159.
  17. Hartogh, P., C. Jarchow, E. Lellouch, M. de Val-Borro, M. Rengel, R. Moreno, A. S. Medvedev, H. Sagawa, B. M. Swinyard, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. I. Błȩcka, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L.-M. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. D. L. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, N. Whyborn, D. Teyssier, F. Helmich, P. Roelfsema, J. Stutzki, H. G. LeDuc, and J. A. Stern (2010), Herschel/HIFI observations of Mars: First detection of O2 at submillimetre wavelengths and upper limits on HCl and H2O2A&A, 521, L49, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015160.
  18. Hartogh, P., M. I. Błȩcka, C. Jarchow, H. Sagawa, E. Lellouch, M. Val-Borro, M. Renge, A. S. Medvedev, B. M. Swinyard, R. Moreno, T. Cavalié, D. C. Lis, M. Banaszkiewicz, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisie, T. Encrenaz, M. Küppers, L. Lara, S. Szutowicz, B. Vandenbussche, F. Bensch, E. A. Bergin, F. Billebaud, N. Biver, G. A. Blake, J. A. Blommaert, J. Cernicharo, L. Decin, P. Encrenaz, H. Feuchtgruber, T. Fulton, T. de Graauw, E. Jehin, M. Kidger, R. Lorente, D. A. Naylor, G. Portyankina, M. Sánchez-Portal, R. Schieder, S. Sidher, N. Thomas, E. Verdugo, C. Waelkens, A. Lorenzan, G. Tofani, E. Natale, J. Pearson, T. Klein, C. Leinz, R. Güsten, and C. Kramer (2010), First results on martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observationsA&A.
  19. Heavens, N. G., M. I. Richardson, A. Kleinböhl, D. M. Kass, D. J. McCleese, W. Abdou, J. L. Benson, J. T. Schofield, J. H. Shirley, and P. M. Wolkenberg (2011), The vertical distribution of dust in the Martian atmosphere during northern spring and summer: Observations by the Mars Climate Sounder and analysis of zonal average vertical dust profilesJ. Geophys. Res., 116, E04003, doi:10.1029/2010JE003691.
  20. Ho, W., I. A. Kaufman, and P. Thaddeus (1966), Laboratory measurement of microwave absorption in models of the atmosphere of VenusJ. Geophys. Res., 71(21), 5091–5108.
  21. Karpowicz, B. M. and P. G. Steffes (2011), In search of water vapor on Jupiter: Laboratory measurements of the microwave properties of water vapor under simulated jovian conditionsIcarus, 212(1), 210–223, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2010.11.035.
  22. Kleinböhl, A., J. T. Schofield, D. M. Kass, W. A. Abdou, C. R. Backus, B. Sen, J. H. Shirley, W. Gregory Lawson, M. I. Richardson, F. W. Taylor, N. A. Teanby, and D. J. McCleese (2009), Mars Climate Sounder limb profile retrieval of atmospheric temperature, pressure, and dust and water ice opacityJ. Geophys. Res., 114, E10006, doi:10.1029/2009JE003358.
  23. Kleinböhl, A., J. T. Schofield, W. A. Abdoua, P. G. J. Irwin, and R. J. de Kok (2011), A single-scattering approximation for infrared radiative transfer in limb geometry in the Martian atmosphereJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 112, 1568–1580, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.03.006.
  24. Kunde, V., R. Hanel, W. Maguire, D. Gautier, J. P. Baluteau, A. Marten, A. Chedin, N. Husson, and N. Scott (1982), The tropospheric gas composition of Jupiter's north equatorial belt (NH3, PH3, GeH4, H2O) and the Jovian D/H isotopic ratioAstrophys. J., 263, 443–467.
  25. Lacerda, Pedro (2009), Time-resolved near-infrared photometry of extreme Kuiper Belt object HaumeaAstrophys. J., 137, 3404–3413, doi:10.1088/0004-6256/137/2/3404.
  26. Marten, A., D. Rouan, J. P. Baluteau, D. Gautier, B. J. Conrath, R. A. Hanel, V. Kunde, R. Samuelson, A. Chedin, and N. Scott (1981), Study of the Ammonia Ice Cloud Layer in the Equatorial Region of Jupiter from the Infrared Interferometric Experiment on VoyagerIcarus, 46, 233–248.
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