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  1. Aires, F., C. Prigent, F. Bernando, C. Jiménez, R. Saunders, and P. Brunel (2011), A tool to estimate land-surface emissivities at microwave frequencies (TELSEM) for use in numerical weather predictionQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137, 690–699, doi:10.1002/qj.803.
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  3. Amante, C. and B.W. Eakins (2009), ETOPO1 1 arc-minute global relief model: procedures, data sources and analysis, NOAA NESDIS NGDC.
  4. Astin, I. (1997), A survey of studies into errors in large scale space-time averages of rainfall, cloud cover, sea surface processes and the earth's radiation budget as derived from low earth orbit satellite instruments because of their incomplete temporal and spatial coverageSur. Geophy., 18, 384–403.
  5. Baldwin, M. P., et al. (2001), The Quasi-Biennial OscillationRev. Geophys., 39(2), 179–229.
  6. Balling Jr., R. C. and R. S. Cerveny (2003), Analysis of radiosonde-based lapse rates and the difference between near-surface and satellite-based lower-tropospheric air temperatures over the central United StatesGeophys. Res. Lett., 30(7), doi:10.1029/2002GL0106693.
  7. Bennartz, R. (1999), On the Use of SSM/I Measurements in Coastal RegionsJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 16(4), 417–431.
  8. Bhat, G. S. (2003), Some salient features of the atmosphere observed over the north Bay of Bengal during BOMBMEXProc. Indian Acad. Sci., 112(2), 131–146.
  9. Cruz-Pol, S. L. and C. S. Ruf (2000), A Modified Model for Specular Sea Surface Emissivity at Microwave FrequenciesIEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 38(2), 858–869.
  10. Fily, M., A. Royer, K. Goita, and C. Pringent (2003), A simple retrieval method for land surface temperature and fraction of water surface determination from satellite microwave brightness temperature in sub-arctic areasRem. Sen. Env., 5832, 1–11.
  11. Francis, J., A. Schweiger, and J. Key (2003), A 20-Year Dataset of Downwelling Longwave Flux at the Arctic Surface from TOVS Satellite Data, Rutgers University, University of Washington, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Thirteenth ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings.
  12. Fu, R., A. D. Del Genio, W. B. Rossow, and W. T. Liu (1992), Cirrus-cloud thermostat for tropical sea surface temperatures tested using satellite dataNature, 358, 394–397.
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  15. Haller, M. and P. Catalán (2010), Detecting breaking ocean waves through microwave scatteringSPIE News, 1–3, doi:10.1117/2.1201006.003015.
  16. Han, Q.-Y., W. B. Rossow, J. Chou, K.-S. Kuo, and R. M. Welch (1999), The effects of aspect ratio and surface roughness on satellite retrievals of ice-cloud propertiesJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 63, 559–583.
  17. Hewison, T. (2002), Analysis of emissivity data from POLEX: Initial results and Development of FASTEM for Arctic Surfaces, Met Office.
  18. Inamdar, A. K. and V. Ramanathan (1998), Tropical and global scale interactions among water vapor, atmospheric greenhouse effect, and surface temperatureJ. Geophys. Res., 103(D24), 32,177–32,194.
  19. King, M. D., W. P. Menzel, P. S. Grant, J. S. Myers, G. T. Arnold, S. E. Platnick, L. E. Gumley, S.-C. Tsay, C. C. Moeller, M. Fitzgerald, K. S. Brown, and F. G. Osterwisch (1996), Airborne Scanning Spectormeter for Remote Sensong of Cloud, Aerosol, Water Vapor, and Surface PropertiesJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 13(4), 777–794.
  20. Kistler, R., et al. (2001), The NCEP-NCAR 50-Year Reanalysis: Monthly means CD-ROM and DocumentationBull. Amer. Met. Soc., 82(2), 247–268.
  21. Kleidon, A. and M. Renner (2013), A simple explanation for the sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to surface temperature and solar radiation and its implications for global climate changeEarth Syst. Dynamics, 4, 455–465, doi:10.5194/esd-4-455-2013.
  22. Klein, S. A., B. J. Soden, and N.-C. Lau (1999), Remote Sea Surface Temperature Variations during ENSO: Evidence for a Tropical Atmospheric BridgeJ. Climate, 12, 917–932.
  23. Knox, R. S. (1999), Physical aspects of the greenhouse effect and global warmingAm. J. Phys., 67(12), 1227–1238.
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  28. Mo, L., K. F. Tsang, E. K. N. Yung, R. S. Chen, and D. G. Fang (2002), Millimeter Wave Scattering of 2-D Frequency Selective Surface by Efficient Method of Lines with Preconditioned CG TechniqueInt. J. Inf. Millim. Waves, 23(10), 1529–1543.
  29. O'Carroll, A. G., J. R. Eyre, and R. W. Saunders (2008), Three-Way Error Analysis between AATSR, AMSR-E, and In Situ Sea Surface Temperature ObservationsJ. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 25(7), 1197–1207, doi:10.1175/2007JTECHO542.1.
  30. Prigent, C., E. Jaumouillé, F. Chevallier, and F. Aires (2008), A Parameterization of the Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Between 19 and 100 GHz, Anchored to Satellite-Derived EstimatesIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 46, 1–9, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2007.908881.
  31. Prigent, C., F. Aires, D. Wang, S. Fox, and C. Harlow (2016), Sea-surface emissivity parametrization from microwaves to millimetre wavesQ. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., doi:10.1002/qj.2953.
  32. Quan, X.-W., H. F. Diaz, and M. P. Hoerling (2004), Change of the Tropical Hadley Cell Since 1950, NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center.
  33. Rosenkranz, P. W. (2002), Radiative Transfer Solution Using Initial Values in a Scattering and Absorbing Atmosphere With Surface ReflectionIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 40(8), 1889–1892.
  34. Rosenkranz, P. W. and C. D. Barnet (2006), Microwave radiative transfer model validationJ. Geophys. Res., 111, D09S07, doi:10.1029/2005JD006008.
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  36. Shaw, T. A. and A. Voigt (2015), Tug of war on summertime circulation between radiative forcing and sea surface warmingNature Geosci., 8(7), 560–566, doi:10.1038/ngeo2449.
  37. Simmer, S. (1999), Contributions of Microwave Remote Sensing from Satellite to Studies on the Earth Energy Budget and the Hydrological CycleAdv. Space. Res., 24(7), 897–905.
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  39. Sobel, A. H. (2003), On the Coexistence of an Evaporation Minimum and Precipitation Maximum in the Warm PoolJ. Climate, 16, 1003–1009.
  40. Stallcop, J. R. and H. Partridge (1997), The N2-N2 potential energy surfaceChem. Phys. Lett., 281, 212–220.
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  42. Thies, B. and J. Bendix (2011), Satellite based remote sensing of weather and climate: recent achievements and future perspectivesMet. Appl., 18, 262–295, doi:10.1002/met.288.
  43. Torrence, C. and G. P. Compo (1998), A Practical Guide to Wavelet AnalysisBull. Amer. Met. Soc., 79(1), 61–78.
  44. Trokhimovski, Y. Gaevich, E. R. Westwater, Y. Han, and V. Y. Leuski (1998), Air and Sea Surface Temperature Measurements Using a 60-GHz Microwave Rotating RadiometerIEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., 36(1), 3–15.
  45. Wada, A., H. Kanamori, and S. Iwata (1998), Ab initio MO studies of van der Waals molecule (N2)2: Potential energy surface and internal motionJ. Chem. Phys., 109(21), 9434–9438.
  46. Weng, F., R. R. Ferraro, and N. C. Grody (2000), Effects of AMSU-A cross track asymmetry of brithness temperatures on retrieval of atmospheric and surface parameters, In: Microw. Radiomet. Remote Sens. Earth's Surf. Atmosphere, pp. 255–262, Edited by Pampaloni, P. and S. Paloscia.
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  48. Zhang, Y.-C., W. B. Rossow, A. A. Lacis, V. Oinas, and M. I. Mishchenko (2004), Calculation of radiative fluxes from the surface to top of atmosphere based on ISCCP and other global data sets: Refinements of the radiative transfer model and the input dataJ. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:10.1029/2003JD004457.
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